
Материал из Вовпедии
(Перенаправлено с Warlock)
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IconLarge Чернокнижник.gif Чернокнижник
Чернокнижник логотип.png
Доступен дляВоргенВорген Ворген

ГномГном Гном
ГоблинГоблин Гоблин
ДворфДворф Дворф
ОркОрк Орк
ОтрекшийсяОтрекшийся Отрекшийся
ТролльТролль Тролль
Эльф кровиЭльф крови Эльф крови

ЧеловекЧеловек Человек
СпециализацииНет специализации Колдовство
Демонология Демонология
Разрушение Разрушение
Второстепенные:Осколки души, Демоническая ярость или Раскаленные угли
Основная характеристикаИнтеллект
Владение оружиемПосох, Жезл, Кинжал, Одноручный меч и предметы для левой руки за исключением щитов и оружия.
Тип брониТкань
СпособностиПризывает различных демонических прислужников, Темная стрела, Похищение жизни, Порабощение демона, Пламя Скверны и различные проклятья.
Классы Воин Друид Жрец Маг Монах Охотник Паладин Разбойник Рыцарь смерти Чернокнижник Шаман
Расы класса Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Способности Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Наставники Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Таланты Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Символы Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Билды Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Комплекты брони Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Начиная играть... Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
PvE Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
PvP Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша
Макросы Во Др Жр Ма Мо Ох Па Ра Рс Че Ша

Чернокнижники являются бывшими магами, или в случае с орками, бывшими шаманами, которые, в погоне за безграничной властью, отреклись от тайной или природной магии в пользу зловещей, основанной на скверне магии Тьмы. Чернокнижники используют эту темную силу, чтобы причинять невыносимые страдания своим врагам, разлагая и похищая саму жизнь у своих жертв, призывать огненные ливни, сжигая нападающих в жертвенном огне и кошмарных демонов, которые будут помогать им в бою. В трудные времена, когда Азерот осаждается демоническими легионами, армиями нежити или самим ужасом, многие ищут утешение и защиту у Света. Но чернокнижники решили бороться со злом его же оружием.

Чернокнижники носят тканевую броню и являются бойцами дальнего боя, которые применяют широкий диапазон отрицательных эффектов и эффектов с периодическим уроном, а также ряд способностей контроля противника. Чернокнижники могут призывать демонических прислужников, используя их спектр оборонительных и наступательных способностей. У чернокнижников есть интересная механика, связанная со здоровьем. Они могут превратить часть своего здоровья в ману, жертвовать своими прислужниками, чтобы спасти себе жизнь или даже обменять свою жизненную энергию на мощные эффекты. Они также обладают различными темными методами восстановления здоровья, включая иссушение жизни противников и воскрешение из мертвых с помощью камня души. Чернокнижники расходуют ману на применение заклинаний, но также используют и другие, более темные ресурсы для расширения возможностей и трансформаций своих способностей, собирая души своих врагов, наполняя себя демонической яростью и даже позволяя огню скверны владеть ими, чтобы потом полностью его поглотить.

Warlocks are those not afraid to look into the Void, into the darkest place of all, to face the horror and madness that dwells there and to turn it to their own use. Warlocks command the obedience of mighty demons, summoning and dismissing them at will, using them as they see fit and sacrificing them the moment it serves the warlock's interests. Even the mighty infernals bow before the will of the warlock, powerless but to obey their master's commands.

In these times of great peril, as the races of Azeroth rush to defend themselves against ancient enemies almost beyond comprehension, many powerful warlocks have risen to stand side by side with the sworn champions of their kingdoms, to protect and defend Azeroth from the forces of darkness that threaten this world. Masters of fear, warlocks stare into the face of death and see a way to turn that power to their own use. Undaunted by the dark source of their powers, warlocks do not flinch from the grim task at hand, nor from what they must themselves endure in order to ensure that their goals are accomplished. Dark-minded and distrusted at every turn, warlocks are those who dare to do what to others would be unthinkable. Wreathing themselves in the very energies of the Burning Legion, these unfathomable souls are willing to do whatever they must in order to ensure the protection of their world.


Обзор класса

Столкнувшись с демонами, большинство героев видят лишь смерть. Чернокнижники видят огромные возможности. Их цель — власть, в ее достижении им помогают темные искусства. Эти колдуны призывают демонов, которые сражаются на их стороне. Сначала им доступны лишь слуги-бесы, но по мере роста знаний чернокнижника ему начинают подчиняться обольстительные суккубы, демоны бездны и ужасные охотники Скверны, разя любого, кто выступит против их хозяина. Чернокнижники способны поджечь врага даже на расстоянии, заставить его в ужасе отступить, поразить ужасной болезнью или проклясть, отняв жизненные силы.

Во всем Азероте боятся этих нечестивцев, и многие из тех, кто когда-то воевал против чернокнижника, теперь предпочитают сражаться на его стороне.[1]


The RPG Icon 16x36.png Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную для Warcraft RPG информацию, которая не считается канонической.

Warlocks are masters of the dark arts, devoted to furthering their understanding and use of shadow and Fire based magics, along with the summoning of demons from within the Twisting Nether. They first appeared on Azeroth during the First War, when Gul'dan, the first of their kind among the invading orc clans of Draenor, led the Horde across the dimensional gulf through the Dark Portal while in servitude to the Burning Legion.[2][3]


The eredar of the Burning Legion are credited as the original warlocks and wielders of dark magics, corrupted from the powerful and magically attuned eredar of Argus.

In most societies, the warlocks now live on the fringe of civilization, tolerated but not trusted. Human warlocks meet in secret in the basement of a bar in Stormwind. Thrall has expressed discomfort with the warlocks but understands the necessities in using them so he has allowed them the Cleft of Shadow. Conventional spell casters often see the warlock's magic as a vain attempt at increasing their own power.

Although many that consort with demons fall to darkness, the warlocks of the Horde and the Alliance advocate bending demonic or other dark powerful forces to one's will without succumbing to complete corruption. These spell casters can summon demons to serve them, and they can also cast many painful spells that slowly eat at the life of their enemies. Warlocks are usually physically weak compared to other classes, but they compensate for this deficiency with their potent array of spells and their demonic minions. Compared to other spell casters, warlocks are among the strongest and often depend on the sacrifice of their own blood to fuel their magical powers.

On the world of Azeroth, there are many races who presently wield the dark power of the Nether. The playable races a warlock can choose from are the humans, dwarves, gnomes, worgen, orcs, trolls, undead, blood elves and goblins. Each has its own history in the dark demon arts.


Основная статья: Расы чернокнижника

Чернокнижниками могут быть представители следующих рас:

Раса Сила Ловкость Выносливость Интеллект Дух Броня Здоровье Мана
Альянс ВоргенВорген Ворген Cata 23 22 21 18 21  ?  ?  ?
Альянс ГномГном Гном 15 22 21 26 22 44 53 200
Альянс ДворфДворф Дворф 22 16 24 21 21  ?  ?  ?
Альянс ЧеловекЧеловек Человек 20 20 21 22 22 40 53 140
Орда ГоблинГоблин Гоблин Cata 17 22 21 25 20 33 53 185
Орда ОркОрк Орк 23 17 22 19 24 34 63 109
Орда НежитьНежить Нежить 19 18 21 20 27 36 53 110
Орда ТролльТролль Тролль 21 22 22 18 23  ?  ?  ?
Орда Эльф кровиЭльф крови Эльф крови TBC 17 22 19 26 21 44 53 185

Единственные расы, неспособные (или не желающие) прибегать к демонической магии: ночные эльфы, таурены, дренеи и пандарены.

Расовые преимущества

Каждая раса обладает уникальным набором умений и способностей. Некоторые из них могут сильно упростить игру тем или иным классом, некоторые же просто бесполезны. Ниже будут рассмотрены способности, дающие наибольшие преимущества чернокнижникам.

АльянсВоргенВорген Ворген

АльянсГномГном Гном

АльянсДворфДворф Дворф

АльянсЧеловекЧеловек Человек

  • [Каждый за себя] is another beneficial trait enabling players to remove all incapacitating effects on the character (Slow, stun, fear, immobilize effects)

ОрдаГоблинГоблин Гоблин

ОрдаНежитьНежить Нежить

ОрдаОркОрк Орк

ОрдаТролльТролль Тролль

ОрдаЭльф кровиЭльф крови Эльф крови

  • [Волшебный поток] Provides a similar mana increase too life tap without the loss in health. Due to its limit in AoE range, it has limited use in Boss PvE encounters and is half effective on PvP.

Известные чернокнижники

Смотри также: Список чернокнижников
Имя Роль Статус Местоположение
НейтральнаяIconSmall Archimonde.gif Архимонд Эредар, прислужник Саргераса Убит Нордрассил, Хиджал
НейтральнаяИконкаМаленькая Кил'Джеден.gif Кил'джеден Правая рука Саргераса Жив (лор), Убиваемый (wow) Плато Солнечного Колодца TBC, неизвестно (лор)
НейтральнаяIconSmall Cho'gall.gif Чо'галл Правитель Сумеречного Молота Убит Трон Апокалипсиса, Сумеречный бастион
НейтральнаяIconSmall Gul'dan(Draenor).gif Гул'дан Глава Совета Теней, Вождь клана Бушующего шторма Убит Гробница Саргераса, Таинственные острова
НейтральнаяИконкаМаленькая Нежить Мужской.gif Мерил Скверношторм Верховный маг Даларана и член Хранителей Тирисфаля Жив Неизвестно
НейтральнаяДраконьяПасть мужской Некрос Дробитель Черепов Колдун из клана Драконьей Пасти Умер Неизвестно
НейтральнаяЧернокнижник Совет Мрачной Жатвы Совет сильнейших чернокнижников Один из них мертв В различных местах Азерота и Запределья



Основная статья: Способности чернокнижника

Warlocks deal damage through a combination of damage over time, direct damage and minion attacks, with Affliction, Destruction and Demonology warlocks specializing in these areas, respectively. While a warlock's direct damage alone does not compare to that of a mage, when coupled with their DoTs and a minion they can achieve strong, steady DPS to rival that of other classes.

Warlocks have the most powerful assortment of damage over time spells, and also the greatest variety in debuffs and summonable minions. Combined with a number of utility options, this can make the warlock a very diverse and complex class to play. The warlock also has available a variety of curses, but only one can be cast upon an enemy at a given time, creating the need for determining an appropriate curse in a given situation.

Like a mage, a warlock’s crowd control abilities can be used to avoid certain doom for the warlock and their allies, and the warlock’s sustained area of effect damage when suitably specced can rival those of a mage. Warlocks are well versed in the "shock and horror" tactics of warfare, and their manipulation of shadow energies can send their opponents reeling in Fear or horror. When fighting powerful foes, warlocks may choose to rely on minions and damage over time spells to deal damage while fearing their enemies to prevent retribution.

The warlock can also learn to summon magical mounts. Other classes, except paladins, death knights, and druids (Flight Form), must purchase their own mounts with gold or via Honor obtained through PvP.

Прислужники и транспорт

Warlocks can summon a variety of minions, each exhibiting different skill sets which are useful in different situations. However, only one minion at a time can accompany the warlock.

Warlocks may also use Enslave Demon on demons found while adventuring, forcing them to act as their minions for a short time.

Minions are an excellent source of additional damage output, especially for Demonology warlocks. However, they also offer a substantial amount of utility. Warlocks may sacrifice their minions to save themselves, or use their special abilities to dispel debuffs from allies, silence enemies or even heal the warlock.

Исцеление и сотворение предметов

While warlocks are by no means healers, they do have a limited ability to heal themselves and their minions while in combat. Health regeneration is a notable feature of the warlock, as is the sacrifice of health to restore mana or allow for powerful special abilities.

Warlocks also have two particularly useful ways of restoring allies' health. Create Healthstone allows warlocks to create items used to heal themselves or their allies, while Create Soulwell can be used to summon a Soulwell from which Healthstones can be extracted by members of the party or raid. Soulstone is similar but far more powerful, allowing the target to resurrect upon death.

Ближний бой

Like other spellcasters, warlocks are most effective at range due to spell pushback. However, Demonology spells often promote being in melee in order to use close-range abilities like Hellfire and Immolation Aura. In addition, warlocks have always possessed an potent arsenal of defensives, from an increased health pool to on-use spells such as Dark Bargain and Twilight Ward.

Throughout the expansions, many warlocks have stepped into tanking roles because of the existence of Searing Pain and the ability to self-heal. With the advent of Mists of Pandaria and the introduction of Dark Apotheosis, warlock tanks have become increasingly common.

Оружие и броня

Основная статья: Warlock sets

Warlocks can wear cloth armor only, and can use staves, daggers, one-handed swords and unarmed combat in battle. They can also use wands for ranged combat, and equip off-hands.


As a caster class, the warlock's primary attributes are intellect and spell power. Useful secondary attributes are spell hit, spell crit, haste, mastery, PvP Power and PvP Resilience, with the value of each depending on the warlock's spec and play style. Warlocks have no use for strength, spirit or agility.

As with all DPS casters, spell hit rating is generally considered to take precedence over all other secondary stats (sometimes even intellect), and it is advisable to get as close as possible to the spell hit cap. After that point, hit rating is useless; spell hit reduction debuffs are too few and far between to be worth considering.

In PvP, PvP Power and PvP Resilience are of great value, with the former generally considered even more important than intellect, while these stats are of no value for PvE.


Для полного списка способностей специализаций, см. способности чернокнижника


Spell shadow deathcoil.png
Знаток темной магии, умеющий вытягивать из врагов силы и наносить периодический урон.

Affliction warlocks are the masters of damage over time spells, plaguing their enemies with an array of Curses and DoTs. Affliction locks can snare attackers with the Curse of Exhaustion, and afflict them with DoTs such as Agony and Unstable Affliction, the latter serving to prevent other DoTs from being dispelled. Affliction warlocks' periodic effects are further improved by their mastery Potent Afflictions, and can be quickly spread or transferred between targets with Soul Swap and Glyph of Soul Swap. Affliction warlocks gain Soul Shards as a secondary resource, which can be used to empower certain spells.


Spell shadow metamorphosis.png
Мастер демонической магии, умеющий превращаться в демона и призывать на помощь темные силы.

Not satisfied with commanding demonic minions to do their bidding, Demonology warlocks transform themselves into demons in order to crush their foes, with their dark Metamorphosis empowering their attacks and granting them fiendish new powers. As well as improving their damage and survivability, these warlocks' demonic mastery empowers their minions (Master Demonologist, Demonic Rebirth) and grants them new demons to command (Wild Imps, Doom, Summon Felguard). Demonology warlocks wield a mixture of Shadow, Fire and Chaos damage to immolate and corrupt their enemies. Demonology warlocks use Demonic Fury, generated through various spells, as a secondary resource to fuel their demonic Metamorphosis.


Spell shadow rainoffire.png
Сеет хаос с помощью пламени, опаляющего и уничтожающего врагов.

Destruction warlocks focus on demolishing opponents with fast and powerful direct damage spells. They use the Burning Embers generated by their spells to fuel their most powerful attacks, deal splash damage and even restore health. With enviable abilities such as Shadowburn, Havoc and Chaos Bolt, Destruction warlocks can rapidly reduce unprepared opponents to a pile of cinders.

Игра на максимальном уровне

Warlocks are taken to raids for their incredible dps and their raid utility. Warlocks are usually one of the highest sources of ranged DPS and also possess an array of utilities such as using Ritual of Summoning for late comers, casting Soulstone for combat resurrections, and distributing Healthstones. They also provide a raid buff (Dark Intent) and a variety of enemy debuffs through curses such as Curse of the Elements. Warlocks are also well known for their CC abilities such as Fear and Banish.

In PvP, Warlocks are incredibly useful as a support class for arenas and battlegrounds. DoT abilities such as Corruption, Bane of Agony, and Unstable Affliction spread between multiple player targets are excellent at generating pressure for opposing teams. Unstable Affliction also provides opponents with a hefty penalty for spam-dispelling debuffs. The felhunter also provides excellent anti-caster and anti-healer abilities with Spell Lock and Devour Magic. Finally, they are infamous for their PvP CC abilities such as Fear, Howl of Terror, and Death Coil (warlock ability). While burst damage is not as strong, Demon Soul (warlock ability) can be used to help finish off low-health players. Demonic Gateway is also an iconic and powerful contribution to any group.

Краткий курс обучения

Макросы и аддоны

Основная статья: Полезные макросы для чернокнижников
  • is an addon that tracks DoT strength. Specifically designed for Affliction locks to attain maximum DPS from Malefic Grasp, it also provides spell tracking for the other specs. Also features integration with .
  • shows all buffs and debuffs on your character making it exceptional for raiding.
  • (also ) shows spell timers, cooldown timers and messages that you can set for yourself or the raid. On top of that, it also offers support for tracking Soulstones, shards and healthstones as well as a summoning assistant. Also, although the addon is primarily targeted at Warlocks, ForteXorcist can also be used with the other classes. In essence, ForteXorcist provides what Necrosis and DoTimer does with a few added extras.

См. также

Изменения в обновлениях

  • MoP Обновление 5.0.4 (28-08-2012):
    • Для каждой специализации чернокнижника теперь существует уникальный вторичный ресурс:
    • Защитные заклинания, предоставляющие дополнительную броню и здоровье теперь пассивны.
    • All demons deal similar damage and are no longer linked to a specific spec.
    • Doomguard, Infernal and Soulstone cooldowns reset upon wiping to a raid or dungeon boss.
  • Cata Обновление 4.0.1 (12-10-2010):
    • Soul Shards have been removed from the game as items. Instead, they now exist as a resource system necessary for using, or altering the mechanics of certain spells.
    • Warlocks now start with an Imp at level 1.
    • Firestones and Spellstones can no longer be created, and existing ones cannot be used.


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