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Охотник | |
Доступен для | Эльф крови Дворф |
Специализации | Повелитель зверей Стрельба Выживание (боец дальнего боя) |
Ресурс(ы) | Концентрация |
Основная характеристика | Ловкость |
Владение оружием | Лук, Арбалет, Огнестрельное |
Тип брони | Ткань, Кожа, Кольчуга |
Способности | Может приручать питомцев, устанавливает различные ловушки, Притовриться мертвым, Отрыв, Звериный натиск |
Классы | |||||||||||
Расы класса | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Способности | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Наставники | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Таланты | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Символы | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Билды | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Комплекты брони | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Начиная играть... | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
PvE | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
PvP | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Макросы | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Охотник — это класс, специализирующийся нанесением урона на расстоянии. Будучи мастерскими стрелками, охотники используют множество различных выстрелов, чтобы поразить противника — от покрытых ядом шипов и магических снарядов до проникающих стрел и разрывных залпов. Охотники также мастера выживания, которые расставляют ловушки и пользуются ложными направлениями, чтобы манипулировать вниманием своей добычи, заводя их в смертельные засады. Или они сами могут спрятаться так, что даже самый внимательный глаз не сможет их заметить.
Охотники имеют мощную связь с дикой природой и могут приручать даже самых диких зверей. Питомцы преданно служат своему хозяину и всегда готовы вступить в бой по команде охотника. Охотники могут призвать на подмогу лютых зверей и стаи птиц, а в крайней необходимости натиск верных друзей придет на помощь. Сильные и умелые животные, подчиняющиеся охотнику, сами способны наносить урон специальными способностями. Охотники используют связь с различными духами животных, чтобы расширить свои возможности, выбирая аспекты в зависимости от ситуации.
Охотники начинают игру в кожаной броне, позже переходя на кольчужную. Они используют ловкость и хитрость, чтобы оставаться в зоне недосягаемости для противников, посылая своих питомцев в бой и поражая неприятеля разрушительными залпами. Охотники всегда должны держаться на расстоянии, пользуясь ловушками, замедляющими или дезориентирующими противника.
Охотники расходуют концентрацию на самые мощные способности, в то время как у многих других нет стоимости. Концентрация копится до 100 очков (для Повелителей Зверей 120) и восстанавливается медленно, но также может быть восстановлена некоторыми способностями. Питомцы охотников также используют концентрацию для самых мощных атак.
The hunter is a pure DPS class, meaning that all its specializations focus primarily on dealing damage. However, each type of hunter has its own strengths and priorities: Beast Mastery hunters are masters of the wild boasting a powerful synergy with their companions, bringing numerous enhancements to both their own and their pets' abilities; Marksmanship hunters are skilled sharpshooters, focusing on defeating opponents through unique and additionally empowered ranged attacks; and Survival hunters are rugged trackers favouring traps and venoms to overcome their prey.
Hunters are perhaps the most involved companion class of all. Hunters can track, tame, name and train a huge range of animals throughout the world, with a number of special rare beasts existing solely for hunters to discover, hidden from the eyes of any other class. Hunters will rarely find themselves fighting alone, and can count on the presence of their trusty companions at their side. The combination of hunters' powerful ranged damage capabilities and their pets' aggro management makes hunters an excellent soloing class, essentially a two-man team capable of tackling enemies far beyond the abilities of many other classes. A potent damage dealer with enviable abilities in kiting and crowd control, the hunter is a class that is easy to learn, but difficult to master.
Обзор класса
Те, кто слышат странный зов, меняют домашний уют на жестокий первобытный мир. И те, кто выносят тяготы новой жизни, становятся охотниками. Будучи мастером своего дела, охотник может призраком проскользнуть меж деревьев и установить ловушки на пути врага. Охотник — искусный и меткий стрелок, что из лука, что из ружья. Он обладает почти сверхъестественным чувством времени и потому может быстро использовать свое оружие дальнего боя, даже если враг уже подобрался вплотную.
Искусство выживания — основа уединенной жизни охотника. Охотники легко выслеживают зверей и умеют улучшать способности, уподобляя свою сущность сущности диких животных. Всем известна прочная связь между охотниками и прирученными ими существами — огромными ястребами, кошками, медведями и другими тварями, которые готовы сражаться бок о бок с хозяином.[1]
Примечание: термин "охотник" может относиться к боевому классу, а также к тем, для кого охота это профессия, хобби или средство выживания. Не все занимающиеся охотой относятся к классу охотник. Ниже описывается история об охотниках как определенном классе.
The hunter is a stalker in the wilds, living on his knowledge of survival and skill with a bow or rifle. He is deeply in tune with nature, and some of its mightiest beasts are his allies. Of Azeroth's many creatures, few can resist the hunter's call, and fewer can survive his fury. Hunters are as varied as the world's many climates, but they are universally renowned for their amazing abilities to find their prey and bring it down. They come from any race (players are restricted to twelve races, see below), though certain races naturally excel at the hunter's profession. Most hunters seek to aid the balance of nature along with their druidic allies.[2] Elven rangers are not alone in their mastery of the wilderness. While an elven ranger prefers the bow, the hunter would rather get up close. A hunter is skilled in stealth, slipping through the woods like a ghost. Orcs of the Horde first learned the ways of the hunter from forest trolls on Lordaeron and tauren have been masters of the hunt since the dawn of the world. Like the shaman of the Horde, hunters call upon the spirits of the land, wind, and fire to aid them in their hunts and tasks. Their spells focus on the elements and the land.[3]
The hunter is one of the oldest classes in history. They represent a deep connection between man and beast, and the hunters of Warcraft are not merely individuals who track animals and slay them for food, but custodians of balance. They understand the natural circle of life and death, and the part they must play in maintaining it not simply as researchers, but as active participants. The "Hunt" is venerated, and the prey they choose to stalk is given as much respect as the predators hunters choose to learn from and embody. All hunters create lifelong friendships with animal companions, who are also often their best and only friends, if the stereotype of the reclusive huntsman is to be believed. Hunters come in all shapes, forms, sizes and specialties, but in World of Warcraft, all hunters specialize to be marksmen (however, not all hunters choose the Marksmanship specialization). Hunters are a curious mix of mysticism and rough wilderness know-how. They can learn to mystically align themselves with the aspects of various animals to assist them: the spryness of a monkey, the sharp eyes of a hawk, and the swiftness of a cheetah; they gift themselves with a higher resistance against the dangers of the most important thing of all in the rites of a hunter — the very Wilds he and his prey live in. Hunters also derive a system of hand-to-hand combat inspired by the attacks and counterattacks of various animals, and use magically empowered traps to maim and snare their prey. They have various shots imbued with magic or explosives to snare, poison, handicap and disorient their targets. They can even hold their breath and slow their heartbeat to a highly infrequent, inconsequential tap to give their pursuers the impression that they are dead.
The hunter is the choice of life for those who reject societies that oppress the natural role as prey and hunter, and also reject the druidic stance that we should be healers and observers rather than active participants in the "Great Hunt". They follow a life of reverence for nature complimenting their tradition and willingness to use man-made tools. We are all tool-using creatures after all, and it is only natural to use that advantage afforded by nature to be better hunters. There are however also those hunters who prefer a more direct approach to tracking and hunting.
- Основная статья: Расы охотника
Стать охотниками могут представители следующих рас: Шаблон:Характеристики охотника
Расовые преимущества
These are some relevant racial traits to hunters:
- Blood elves — Arcane Torrent provides a 2 second, area of effect silence as well as refilling focus.
- Draenei — Heroic Presence improves hit by 1% for the hunter and their pet. Their Gift of the Naaru ability also grants them a heal over time.
- Dwarves — Crack Shot increases expertise with ranged weapons by 1%.
- Goblins - Time is Money increases attack speed by 1%. Rocket Barrage sends a rocket towards the target, dealing fire damage. Rocket Jump can be used to propel the Hunter forwards, the same distance as Disengage.
- Humans - Every Man for Himself frees the hunter from CC effects, which is useful in all PvP and some PvE situations. It effectively frees up a trinket slot usually reserved for the same effect in PvP.
- Night elves — Shadowmeld provides the hunter with a second aggro-dump (for when Feign Death is resisted). Also allows the hunter to enter a stealth state (which breaks on movement); can be very useful for surprising unsuspecting PvPers (especially with a Cat).
- Orcs — Command increases pet damage by 5%. Blood Fury acts as an extra trinket (boosting your attack power).
- Pandaren - Epicurean doubles the benefit of food buffs. Quaking Palm acts as a brief CC.
- Trolls — Dead Eye increases expertise with ranged weapons by 1%. Berserking acts as an extra trinket (boosting your attack speed).
- Tauren — War Stomp causes a short area-of-effect stun around the hunter, useful for getting out of melee range.
- Undead - Cannibalize allows the hunter to heal by consuming the corpse of a nearby humanoid or undead mob, though it must be channeled to gain the full benefit. Touch of the Grave gives each attack a chance to deal some shadow damage to the target and heal the hunter for a similar amount. Will of the Forsaken frees the hunter from all Charm, Fear and Sleep effects, which is useful in nearly any situation.
- Worgen — Viciousness increases critical strike chance by 1%. Darkflight provides a very useful temporary speed boost, for those situations when running just isn't fast enough.
Other racial attributes can also be useful, but may not be specifically relevant to hunters as a class. As always, research into all the racial traits of each race will make a player's decision better informed.
Известные охотники
- Смотри также: Список охотников
Имя | Роль | Статус | Местоположение |
Вол'джин | Темный охотник. Вождь Орды и племени Черного Копья | Жив | Острова Эха |
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая | Темный следопыт. Королева-банши | Нежить | Подгород, Тирисфальские леса |
Аллерия Ветрокрылая | Командующая группой эльфийских следопытов в составе Альянса во время Второй Войны | Пропала без вести (лор) | Неизвестно |
Верисса Ветрокрылая | Следопыт. Глава Серебряного союза | Жива | Даларан , Остров Грома |
Рексар | Повелитель зверей. Один из основателей дуротара, помогавший Траллу отбить вторжение войск Кул Тираса | Жив | Острогорье , Неизвестно, возможно до сих пор в Запределье (лор); |
Шандриса Оперенная Луна | Генерал армии Часовых | Жива | Крепость Оперенной Луны, Фералас |
Натанос Гнилостень | Единственный следопыт среди людей. Защитник королевы-банши | Нежить | Квартал Воинов, Подгород |
Хэмминг Эрнестуэй | Всемирно известный охотник | Жив | Тернистая долина , Награнд , Низина Шолазар , Долина Четырех Ветров |
Халдарон Светлое Крыло | Предводитель следопытов Кель'Таласа | Жив | Дворец Ярости Солнца, Луносвет |
Hunters tame the wild beasts of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Northrend and Pandaria, training them to fight at their side. Hunters are one of five classes that can have controllable combat pets.[4] However, they are the only ones that can name and assign talent points to their pets.
- Hunters excel in outdoor survival skills, such as tracking and laying traps.
- Hunters can wear cloth, leather and mail armor. They are unable to use shields or plate armor. At Level 50, hunters acquire Mail Specialization (hunter), which gives bonuses when a hunter is wearing an entire set of mail armor.
- Hunters can equip all weapons except wands, maces, and two-handed maces.
- Hunters use many shots that either deal damage or apply a status effect that costs focus to use. Most other abilities are free to use such as Mend Pet or their Trap abilities.
- Hunters can take on various Animal Aspects that grant special abilities, such as improved run speed.
- Для Полный список способностей охотника, см. Способности охотника.
Дальний бой
Ranged fighting requires a choice between a gun, bow, or a crossbow. When starting, this will depend on your race. Dwarves, tauren and worgen are given guns, draenei start with crossbows, and the other races get bows. Later on, you can train to use the ranged weapons that aren't inherent to your race. In general, crossbows are relatively slow, but hit harder and are favored for increasing burst damage, while guns are relatively fast and good for steady grinding. Bows have moderate attack speed and are favored for sustained DPS. Initially, weapon speed will be inconsequential since the only available abilities consist of Auto-Shot and various instant casts. Guns can be crafted by engineers, but there are no craftable bows or crossbows, so most ranged upgrades will come from mob drops and quest rewards. There are also a small amount of crafted weapons other than guns.
For further information see the hunter tactics page.
Укусы и яды
Hunters have stings and venoms, which are specialized debuffs they can apply to targets to help them address specific situations. Only one sting and one venom per hunter can be active on any one target. Viper Sting and Scorpid Sting were removed in 4.0.1 which leaves hunters only one sting, the Damage Over Time sting known as Serpent Sting. Also, they have been given one "Venom", called Widow Venom, which reduces healing taken by the afflicted target. While not usually worth the focus cost in PvP, it is useful in some PvE applications where heals are unavoidable. Certain abilities refresh the duration of stings. Depending on your specialization, they are Cobra Shot, or Steady Shot.
Hunters also make heavy use of special shots to supplement their DPS and provide utility to their groups. The bulk of a hunter's damage and utility will come from the use of these shots. Survival hunters use Explosive Shot, marksmen use Chimera Shot, and beast masters (while technically not a shot) use Kill Command as their signature ability.
Since Patch 5.1.0, any shot, be it auto or cast-time, can be fired on the move, without any penalty. However, prior to Patch 3.0, the hunter could not move or fire their Auto Shot if they were casting another spell at the same time. The Auto Shot swing timer was still counting but would not fire over another shot. This was called "clipping Auto Shot" and would greatly reduce DPS. This mechanic was at first countered with Aspect of the Fox, and later removed entirely.
In the past weapon speed was often critical to maximising dps output, but the standardisation of weapon speeds and disuse of shot rotations means that hunters should now simply use the weapon with the best dps and stats, regardless of speed. Previously, due to clipping consideration, weapon speed was crucial to maximizing dps with shot rotation, and a hunter would aim to choose a ranged weapon of an appropriate speed (2.7 for beast masters, 3-3.1 for survivalists and marksmen) to fit neatly between the cooldowns of their more powerful abilities. These days, however, all weapons have the same speed, and since shot rotations are not used, speed is no longer important.
Ближний бой
Hunters do not have any melee attacks (although their pets do), but can use their ranged attacks to deal damage even at point-blank range. Hunters are able to equip melee weapons in their main hand and offhand slots, and are capable of using them to auto-attack, but have no special abilities to make use of them, and require a ranged weapon to be equipped in order to use their many ranged attacks.
Prior to Mists of Pandaria, hunters had a few melee abilities and notably, an 8-yard zone immediately beyond the hunter's melee range where ranged weapons couldn't be used. This "Dead Zone" was done away with in Patch 2.3. Previous melee abilities included Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Wing Clip, and the talented Counterattack. Hunter melee combat was essentially removed with Patch 5.0.4, along with the minimum range, making hunters always capable of firing their ranged weapon even if on top of the target.
Боевые питомцы
Pets are the most important tools in the hands of a hunter. They serve as aggro-management, additional DPS, and as tanks. The pet is essential to all specs, dealing anywhere from 10% of total damage for a marksman to 50% for a beast master. Formerly, pets had anemic damage potential and weak AI that often made them more of a danger to a raid than an asset. But improved AI - pets now always attack from the back of a monster - and an innate 90% damage avoidance has made this no longer a concern.
Many beast-type mobs can be tamed, and each offer a set of unique active skills (there are special abilities just for wolves, just for cats, etc). In addition, certain pet types are tanking-oriented (such as bears and turtles), and others are DPS-oriented (such as cats and owls). Combined with the diversity of armor, stamina and resistance buffs, pets are allowed a great deal of customization. Many hunters have dedicated pets for specific instances, PvP, tanking, and so on. Combat pets can be trained to enhance their abilities.
Hunters start with a pet at level 1 and can tame pets at level 10. They are able to control the pet through various commands. Although hunters can have only one active pet at a time, they have immediate access to 4 additional pets using Call Pet and they can house up to 20 pets in the stable.
In addition to regular animals, a number of special targets have been introduced into the game world specifically for hunters to track and tame. These beasts present a Taming Challenge and require special tactics to ready them for taming, much like the original epic bow quest in Vanilla World of Warcraft. While some of these are simply hard to find (and even harder to tame) those introduced in Mists of Pandaria are fully invisible beasts, able to be revealed only by hunters using Flare, who must first find them by seeking out their subtle and elusive tracks. See Taming Challenge for a list.
Hunters have five different types of traps available for use. Some traps are a type of Crowd Control; others are a source of damage. Traps exist for 1 minute, and have separate 30 second cooldown categories: Fire (Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Ice Trap) and Nature Snake Trap. A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time. Traps are within the domain of the survival sub-school, although trained by hunters of any spec.
- Обновление 5.0.4 (28-08-2012):
- Immolation Trap is removed
- Immolation Trap is removed
Amongst many different aspects, two main variants remained in game.
Damage increasing Aspects:
- Aspect of the Hawk: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a hawk, increasing Ranged Attack Power by X.
- Aspect of the Iron Hawk is a talented version of Aspect of the Hawk providing damage reduction.
Speed increasing Aspects:
- Aspect of the Cheetah: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter takes damage, he will be dazed for 4 sec.
Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah, can get rid of the daze part, has a drawback though.
- Aspect of the Pack: The hunter's group (including the hunter) takes on the characteristics of a pack of cheetahs, increasing all their movement speeds by 30%. If a pack member takes damage, that member will be dazed for 4 sec.
- Aspect of the Beast returns as a Minor Glyph, but it only retains the untrackable part.
Hunters are the only class that can track any type of creature individually, or simultaniously over the minimap.
- For a full list of specialization abilities, see Hunter abilities
Повелитель зверей
A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist <him/her> in combat.While all hunters value the assistance of their animal companions, Beast Mastery hunters have the closest bonds of all with their pets. Beast Mastery (BM) hunters place far more importance on the pet, dealing an increased amount of damage through the addition of numerous active and passive abilities, as well as through their mastery Master of Beasts. The pets of BM hunters deal more damage, regenerate focus more quickly, can use their special attacks more often and benefit from bonus crits, splash damage and haste procs. BM hunters and their pets have the most focus of any hunters, with their animal bond contributing Invigoration to both parties. BM hunters are also the only hunters sufficiently attuned to the animal kingdom to be capable of taming Exotic Beasts, allowing them to gain some of the most impressive and exciting pets in the game.
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar.Masters of ranged weaponry, Marksmanship hunters focus on honing their skills with the gun or bow. The standard hunter's repertoire of shots is significantly improved for Marksmanship hunters, with new types of shots and additional effects added to others. The powerful Marksmanship abilities Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot are augmented along with Steady Shot and Multi-Shot to build to a devastating synergy of ranged attacks, dealing swift and explosive damage while granting disorients, bleeds and even self-healing. Marksmanship hunters' potent damage output is increased by their mastery Wild Quiver, regularly granting free bonus shots.
A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.Survival hunters focus on the more miscellaneous areas of the hunter's repertoire, benefiting from improved traps and increased magical damage. Survival hunters gain several improvements to their Serpent Sting, increasing its damage and duration, and spreading it automatically to targets hit by Multi-Shot. Survival hunters also gain some additional attacks (Black Arrow, Explosive Shot) with additional synergy from other effects such as Lock and Load. Survival hunters' traps are also improved both in power and effect, while the Survival mastery Essence of the Viper improves many of the Survival hunter's most powerful attacks.
Hunters can initially only wear cloth and leather, but at level 40 are able to equip mail, with the level 50 Mail Specialization (hunter) rewarding them for doing so. See hunter sets for a list of hunter armor sets.
Hunters can use bows, guns, and crossbows. Usable melee weapons are daggers, axes, fist weapons, swords, polearms and staves. However, while hunters are able to equip melee weapons, they can only use them to auto attack, making them practically useless. The only weapons hunters cannot use are wands and maces.
Upon reaching level 20, hunters can learn the Dual Wield skill. This allows them to wield two one-handed weapons at the same time.
Before Mists of Pandaria, hunters could equip melee weapons at the same time as their ranged weapons. Polearms were generaly considered the best melee weapon for hunters, due to disinterest from other classes, slow attack speed, and stats that could be utilized for ranged abilities. Thus, polearms tended to have stats for hunters. The slow attack speed ensured that the few swings the hunter may have to make maximized the damage possible for each swing. Another factor was looks, as the melee weapon was the only weapon that would regularly show on the hunter, while the ranged weapon would only show up while in use. Prior to Cataclysm, hunters were able to wield thrown items, and in the beta even had shields.
- Охотник — занимает третье место по популярности классов на .
- "ОМГ ДОБЫЧА ОХОТНИКА" / "Это оружие охотника!" : шутки происходят из тех времен, когда некоторые другие классы могли носить оружие дальнего боя. До выхода дополнения Cataclysm охотники могли носить кинжалы, топоры и мечи, а также экипироваться двуручными мечами, дробящим, топорами и посохами как 'stat sticks'. Воины и разбойники могли носить оружие дальнего боя, что приводило к тому, что охотники претендовали на множество предметов и наоборот. Как уже отмечалось, при том, что оружием дальнего боя пользовались только охотники. All melee weapons are no longer usable by hunters, and itemization of both reflects these changes.
- While the hunter is an easy class to play at a superficial level, it can be a highly challenging class to play well. People will consistently tell you that damage is the only reason for a hunter's existence; in raids, and possibly in soloing that might be true, but in five man instances and battleground pvp in particular, it isn't. You can use traps as a form of crowd control, and you need to monitor your pet to ensure that it does not cause problems.
- In addition, in most MMORPGs, the hunter or ranger class variant is usually recognized as the ideal ranged puller in a group. World of Warcraft is somewhat unique in that within its culture, ranged pulling is generally not considered a hunter's responsibility, to the point where hunters in groups will actually be expressly forbidden from doing so. This is true despite the fact that, as with other games, in WoW Blizzard has equipped the hunter with numerous unique abilities (Disengage, Feign Death, Tracking) to assist them in the accomplishment of that task. The advent of Misdirection has changed this a bit, with tanks often requesting that a hunter "MD that mob to me." In combat, hunters have the ability to quickly remove all threat they have generated on a target via Feign Death. This ability does not remove you from combat when fighting raid bosses.
- The hunter (prestige class) was replaced with the hunter (core class) in the World of Warcraft RPG.[5]
Краткий курс обучения
Изменения в обновлениях
- Обновление 5.3.0 (21-05-2013): Hunters now have 50 pet stable slots, up from 20.
- Обновление 5.0.4 (28-08-2012):
- Minimum range removed.
- Main hand slot is being changed to equip ranged weapons for hunters. Melee weapons can still be placed in this slot, however, they'll have no abilities that use them.
- Hunters now benefit from Expertise as their ranged attacks can be dodged.
- Any type of pet can now choose any specialization (Ferocity, Tenacity, or Cunning).
- Обновление 4.0.1 (12-10-2010):
- Focus has replaced mana as a new resource.
- Ammo has been removed from the game. Quivers and ammo pouches have also been removed.
- Up to five pets can now be stored with the hunter at all times (depending on how many "ranks" of the Call Pet ability have been trained). Any one of these five pets can be summoned via the Call Pet ability.
- Hunters now start with a pet at level 1, rather than acquiring the ability to tame their first pet at level 10.
- Обновление 3.2.0 (04-08-2009): Traps now have separate 30 second cooldown categories: Fire (Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Frost Trap) and Nature (Snake Trap). A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time. Also, the time that traps will exist in the world after being put down has been reduced to 30 seconds, down from 1 minute.
- Обновление 3.0.2 (14-10-2008): Pets now have their own talent trees. These can be accessed via the talent panel. Hunter pets can learn talents in one of three trees depending on family. Pets gain talent points starting at level 20 and earn an extra talent point every 4 levels.
- Обновление 2.3.0 (13-11-2007): Untalented firing range of 5-35 yards, eliminating the dead zone.
- Шаблон:Patch 2.0.1
- Шаблон:Patch 1.6.0
- ^ http://eu.battle.net/wow/ru/game/class/hunter
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 73
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 80, 82
- ^ The Hunter's pet, and the Warlock's demon are standard class features. Death Knights (via Master of Ghouls), Mages (via Summon Water Elemental), and Shamans (via Feral Spirit) can all gain combat pets via specialization. Pets such as Shaman's elementals, Priest's Shadowfiend, and Druid's Force of Nature, as well as Engineer's various fighting pets do not have fine control and are considered guardian pets.
- ^ World of Warcraft RPG Conversion Document, 1
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