
Материал из Вовпедии
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Изображение для Вол'джин
Звание <Вождь Орды, Темный охотник племени Черного Копья, Вождь племени Чёрного копья, сын Сен'джина>
Пол Мужской
Раса(ы) Тролль джунглей
Класс персонажа WoW Icon 16x16.png Тёмный охотник; WC3RoC logo 16x32.png знахарь
Фракция Орда, племя Чёрного Копья, Siame-Quashi[требуется локализация]
Деятельность Вождь племени Чёрного копья
Зона Крепость Чёрного Копья, Дуротар
Зул'Аман, Призрачные земли
Статус Живой
Родня Сен'джин (отец)
Тралл и Кэрн Кровавое Копыто (суррогатные братья)
Наставник(и) Сен'джин
"Яголос Орды."[1]

Тёмный охотник Вол'джин, сын Сен'джина, — является действующим Вождем Орды, а также вождем племени Черного Копья, и законным правителем островов Эха.

Вол'джин поклялся сделать все возможное, чтобы управлять племенем Черного Копья так же хорошо, как это делал бы его отец, Сен'джин. Четыре года Вол'джин жил в Оргриммаре, давая Траллу стратегические советы и помогая в таких важных операциях, как освобождение Подгорода, после того как бастион отрекшихся был захвачен верховным аптекарем Гнилессом и Вариматасом, повелителем ужаса. Увы, недавно Вол'джин поссорился с вождем Орды, Гаррошем Адским Криком. Удрученный любовью орка к крайностям и, в частности, к войне, вожак троллей покинул Оргриммар и вернулся на остров Черного Копья[2].После подтверждения своей лояльности Орде и при поддержке Тралла, Вол'джин открыто выступил против создания новой империи троллей под правлением Залазана.

Когда война Орды и Альянса пришла к берегам Пандарии, Вол'джин стал злейшим врагом Гарроша. Пережив покушение на свою жизнь, от рук лояльного Гаррошу кор'кронского командира, Вол'джин ушел в подполье, собрав повстанцев в Орде, чтобы свергнуть Адского Крика.

После победы над Гаррошем, Вол'джин стал следующим Вождем Орды, с личной поддержкой Тралла и другими лидерами. Вол'джин является первым не-орком, заслужившим этот титул.


Местоположение Уровень Здоровье
Хмельной фестиваль  ?? 5,578,000
Острова Эха  ?? 348,909,600
Кинжал во Тьме 92 42,159,200
Колючий холм 93 174,454,800
Осада Оргриммара 93 348,909,600
Осада Оргриммара  ?? 348,909,600
Осада Оргриммара 92 168,636,800

Ранние годы

Вол'джин, Вождь племени Черного Копья.

Вол'джин является сыном и бывшим учеником знахаря Сен'джина, лидера изгнанного племени Черное Копье, которые жили на небольшом острове в Тернистой долине. Сен'джин, увидев видение того, что должно произойти, отправил Вол'джина в Изначальный дом, чтобы он прошел испытание и стал темным охотником. Обычно тролли не проходили испытание в таком молодом возрасте, множество опасностей существует даже для более сильных и опытных, но время было на исходе. Вол'джин был не уверен в себе и подумал, что вместе с Залазаном, его лучшим другом, они будут достаточно сильными и пройдут испытание. Во время этого испытания, обоим троллям открывались видения возможного будущего их народа. В этих видения они узнали много вещей, например то, что в конечном итоге они будут сражаться друг с другом до смерти. Оба молодых тролля, прошли испытание и научились видеть лоа. Однако, после того как они ушли из Изначального дома, с каждым шагом, они утрачивали воспоминания о том, что произошло с ними.[3]

Присоединение к Орде

Вол'джин в TCG.

В те времена племя Чёрного Копья было почти истреблено из-за нападения на них людей и постоянными набегами мурлоков. Лишь своевременная помощь со стороны Тралла и орков спасли оставшихся в живых троллей. Сен'джин погиб на островах смертью храбрых, пытаясь спасти свой народ. После его смерти Вол'джин стал тёмным охотником племени. Чтобы отблагодарить Тралла за спасение своего народа, Вол'джин принёс клятву верности Орде и обещал служить ей верой и правдой.

Вскоре, после отплытия орков, большая группа троллей тоже отправилась в Калимдор, но Вол'джина среди них не было. Вместо этого он решил остаться с остальной частью племени, чтобы сопротивляться гневу морских ведьм, пока не настанет время, когда можно будет покинуть острова. В конце концов, год спустя, они собрали все припасы, что могли, и отправились в новую страну орков — Дуротар.

Во время Третьей Войны находившиеся на континенте тролли Чёрного Копья сражались плечом к плечу с орками против Пылающего Легиона без своего вождя, который тогда всё ещё находился на островах Чёрного Копья. После войны Вол'джин со своим племенем поселился на островах Эха у побережья Дуротара. Тем не менее, спустя совсем немного времени появилась новая угроза — на этот раз это был экспедиционный флот великого адмирала Даэлина Праудмура. Вол'джин помог Рексару, Рокхану и Чену Буйный Портер эвакуировать племя Чёрного Копья, превратив всех их троих в виверн, что позволило им атаковать флот Альянса с воздуха, а также предоставив им эскадрилью троллей-наездников на летучих мышах. Отступив перед бравшим числом противником, Вол'джин продолжал помогать Рексару и Рокхану своими мудрыми советами, надоумив Рексара призвать тауренов и огров на борьбу с людьми.

Основание деревни Сен'джин

Оказав помощь Орде в отражении людского вторжения, Вол'джин привёл своё племя обратно на острова Эха. Но на этом всё не закончилось, так как знахарь по имени Залазан воспользовался тёмной магией, чтобы поработить многих своих соплеменников из Чёрного Копья, и Вол'джин вновь был вынужден приказать отступить на материк, боясь, что всё его племя падёт жертвой сумасшедшего знахаря. На южном берегу Дуротара Вол'джин основал деревню Сен'джин в качестве базы, откуда он рассчитывал нанести Залазану ответный удар. Однако он был вызван в Оргриммар на помощь Траллу, оставив дело освобождения дома своего племени мастеру Гадрину. Хотя морские пехотинцы Кул-Тираса продолжают набеги на Степи и Дуротар, вторжения эти не представляют большой угрозы и не нацелены напрямую на деревню Сен'джин.

В World of Warcraft

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Вол'джин проживал в крепости Тралла в Оргриммаре, помогая вождю разумными советами и хитроумными планами, таким, как захват Трол'калара и использование его против троллей Тернистой долины. Всё это он делал, чтобы привести свой народ к светлому будущему.

Хмельной фестиваль

Во время Хмельного фестиваля Вол'джин выезжает за городские стены на праздничную поляну в 6:15 и 18:15 по серверному времени для участия в церемонии откупорки бочонка. Те персонажи игроков, которые присутствуют на этом событии, получают положительный эффект «Радостный гуляка», дающий дополнительные 10 % к получаемому опыту за убийство монстров.

Битва за Подгород

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Вол'джин был призван на битву за Подгород. Он занял позицию снаружи врат руин Лордерона — верхом на своём ящере, при поддержке артиллерии и нескольких пехотинцев, ожидая прибытия Тралла и Сильваны Ветрокрылой. Он продолжал отправлять любого искателя приключений на помощь вождю, отправившегося освобождать Подгород.

Торжество троллей Чёрного Копья

Вол'джин возглавляет защиту Островов Эха.

Вол'джин придумал план по свержению Залазана и возврату островов племени Чёрного Копья. Знахарь Хез'ток, Ванира, Чемпион Уру'зин, Зилд'жиан и другие герои Орды примкнули к Вол'джину для освобождения Островов Эха. С помощью лягушек-разведчиков Ваниры, герои обнаружили и смогли призвать на свою сторону Зен'табру, в то время как чемпион Уру'зин собирал войска среди жителей деревни Сен'джин.

После того как знахарь Хез'ток поговорил с духами, Вол'джин извинился за свое племя перед темным лоа Бвонсамди. Seeing the wisdom in the spirit's plan and seeing his forces prepared Vol'jin called for the assault on the Echo Isles to begin. Vol'jin first led his forces in calling forth and subsequently proving their worth to Bwonsamdi. Vol'jin then moves his forces to the other isles and kills Jun'do the Traitor, while Bwonsamdi tells the spirits of the Darkspear and take up the ancient masks and bloody spears and that they will serve and aid Vol'jin. With only one isle left remaining to conquer Vol'jin warns his forces that Zalazane is a tricky foe who is cunning and strong with the voodoo. Vol'jin then leads the charge against his former friend.

After a fierce battle Zalazane flees and Zen'tabra discovers his location after turning into a bat, then quickly informs Vol'jin and warns him that Zalazane was working some black magic. Vol'jin, perhaps in an act of mercy for his former friend, offers Zalazane the chance to surrender only for Zalazane to reveal that he has lured Vol'jin's strike force into a trap and quickly gains control of the Darkspear warriors and forces them to fight Vol'jin and the rest of the Horde strike force. After seeing his trap fail Zalazane says that it doesn't matter as no living thing can make its way through his barrier and as such the Echo Isles will be his rule for and forever. Vol'jin then witnesses Bwonsamdi appearing who tells Zalazane that the dead Darkspear are his domain. Vol'jin then bears witness to Bwonsamdi raising the dead to kill Zalazane. После множества попыток, искатели приключений освободили острова Эха.

Vol'jin remarks that it is a fitting end for a troll so foul and thanks Bwonsamdi for his aid who tells him to care and mentions that he wait for him on the Other Side. Zen'tabra then mentions that her fate is now entwined with Vol'jin's. Vol'jin then prepares for the reconstruction of the echo isles.

Элементали сеют хаос

Во время вторжения стихий, он участвовал на собрании правителей, на котором Гаррош повздорил с Вол'джином относительно его участия в войне против Короля-лича. Гаррош обвинял Вол'джина в том, что он был занят завоеванием нескольких жалких островков за все время войны. Вол'джин также защищал Аллею Духов от вторжения элементалей.

Раскол: Прелюдия к катаклизму

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Вол'джин был среди тех, кто заметил, как быстро умер Керн на мак'горе, и одним из первых заподозрил что-то неладное.


Cata Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.

Вол'джин вступил в конфликт с вождем Орды, Гаррошом Адским Криком. Отвращенные экстремизмом орков и их жаждой войны, лидер троллей и его племя ушли из Оргриммара и поселились на Островах Черного Копья.[4] Он фигурировал во многих заданиях в стартовой зоне троллей, одно из которых показывает ссору между ним и Гаррошем, используя какие-то благовония на жаровню: Гаррош вступил в конфликт с Вол'джином, отношения с ним, стали такими же как и с Керном - кульминацией сего действия стало обещание Вол'джина выстрелить Гаррошу в спину. Недовольный руководством Гарроша, Вол'джин устроил массовый исход троллей на Острова Эха.[5]

Возрождение Зандаларов

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When an unknown Zandalari troll, possibly Zul or King Rastakhan, calls for a meeting of all troll tribes Vol'jin attends along with Jin'do of the Gurubashi, Daakara of the Amani and an unknown ice troll leader. There the tribe leaders are informed that Zul'Farrak is now a barren wastelands and that Zul'Drak has fallen to the Scourge. The Zandalari troll then says that the troll tribes must unite to form a new Troll Empire. He entices both Jin'do and Daakara with promises of restoring Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman to their former glory. As the other trolls agree to join the Zandalari Vol'jin begins to walking away and only stops when asked if he would betray his people. Vol'jin retorts that the Horde is his people and promises to stop the Zandalari should they bring war to the land.

Following this Vol'jin sends Darkspear emissaries to both Orgrimmar and Stormwind, knowing that the Horde alone can not stop the Zandalari. Vol'jin later meets with the Ranger-general of Silvermoon, Halduron Brightwing, and Vereesa Windrunner to deal with the Amani in Zul'Aman. Vol'jin tells them that the Zandalari are seeking to create a new troll empire, reaching out to all of the troll tribes, including the Amani and his own Darkspear tribe—the likes of which would be a grave threat if not immediately dealt with. Knowing that the Amani could become a great threat to all of Quel'Thalas Halduron and Vereesa resolve to join forces, which has allowed Halduron's Farstriders and Vereesa's rangers and Vol'jin's Siame-Quashi to keep the Amani contained within Zul'Aman.

Vol'jin then travels to Stranglethorn Vale and gives the Horde forces there a heads up about the Gurubashi in the region and sends Ghaliri to do the same thing for the Alliance forces in the area. Vol'jin later travels to Booty Bay and informs Baron Revilgaz (who is informed by Ghaliri on the Alliance side) of the Gurubashi threat.

With the Gurubashi pushed back into Gurubashi Vol'jin has ordered the Siame-Quashi to keep them contained within Zul'Gurub, while he personally leads the assault against the Amani in Zul'Aman where with the aid of adventures puts an end to Daakara and the Zandalari's efforts within Zul'Aman.

Джайна Праудмур: Приливы войны

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When Warchief Hellscream called for a meeting of the leaders Horde, Vol'jin answered the call. When he learned of the planned attack on Theramore Vol'jin remained silent but when Garrosh mentioning that the attack on Theramore would lead to pushing the Night Elves out of Kalimdor the Darkspear spoke. Vol'jin pointed out that the Night Elves were present on Kalimdor long before the Horde and that trying to force them out would give the Alliance the excuse they needed to be over them like bees over honey. After the meeting ended Vol'jin and Baine Bloodhoof conversed quietly where the tauren was informed of Malkorok's, Garrosh's new bodyguard, past. When Baine showed his displeasure of Garrosh letting a Blackrock Clan orc and a former servant of Rend Blackhand into the Horde, Vol'jin pointed out that he let members of the Grimtotem clan into the Horde. When Baine responded that he thought better of tauren over orcs, Vol'jin mentions that in these days he did too.

Вол'джин — вождь племени Черного Копья.

Vol'jin then personally led his Darkspear in the attack on Northwatch Hold. He met with Tauren forces, under Baine's command, at the Great Gate and co-led Troll and Tauren forces across the Barrens to Northwatch. After a fierce battle Northwatch fell to the might of the Horde. Following the victory, members of the Horde (most notably Vol'jin, Baine, Kelantir Bloodblade, and Frandis Farley) grew frustrated and confused with Garrosh's decision to remain at Northwatch instead of pressing the attack; as Theramore was having enough time to gather reinforcements that would make the conquest of Theramore even harder. With Garrosh refusing to see anyone, Vol'jin and the others had a secret meeting to discuss exactly what the Warchief was thinking. However, treachery from within tipped Garrosh of the meeting. It wasn't until Vol'jin voiced the concern that the enslaved elements could lead to the elements themselves taking arms against the Horde, that it was discovered they were being watched. While Malkorok clearly wanted to harm them, Garrosh took no action against them (besides hitting Bloodblade, for personally questioning him), and emphasizing that they their loyalty belongs to the Horde. Vol'jin was among those who bowed when Garrosh left, after being told to return to their encampments.

Later on, Vol'jin and Baine were granted a meeting with Garrosh and both noticed that Malkorok was also present. The three leaders of the Horde had a polite conversation before Baine began to address his concerns and questioning Garrosh why it seems that he only listens to the Blackrock orc. After witnessing Malkorok being told to stand down, Garrosh mentions he had orders for the fleet while turning to Baine and Vol'jin. Feeling hopeful that Garrosh was either beginning the attack on Theramore or letting them in on his plan, both the troll and tauren were stunned when Garrosh's order was for the fleet to withdraw. As they left to carry out his orders, Baine told Garrosh he hoped a Horde would be left over this debacle. As they were leaving, the Darkspear and Tauren leaders heard loud laughter from both their Warchief and his bodyguard.

When Garrosh finally began the attack on Theramore, Vol'jin not only led his trolls into battle but was was chosen along with Baine to be a part of Garrosh's personal attack force on Theramore's North Gate. During the attack, Vol'jin realized that not only was there a dragon, Kalecgos, aiding in the defense of Theramore but he was also trying to trap the Horde forces in order to prevent any possible retreat. After making his way to Baine and Garrosh, who were battling fairly close to one another, Vol'jin informed them exactly what the dragon was doing. When Garrosh recalled a retreat, Vol'jin quickly repeated his order which was carried out by all nearby Horde forces. Though Vol'jin himself noticed that the blood lust of his Darkspear warriors made them reluctant to stop attacking. With the battle for Theramore seemingly lost, Vol'jin was among those who came before Garrosh as he gazed at Theramore from the bridge of Dustwallow Bay. It was there that the truth about the attack on Theramore was revealed to them. The attack was never meant to destroy the stronghold; it was meant weaken and gather high ranking leaders of the Alliance, such as Shandris Feathermoon and General Marcus Jonathan, together for one reason: so a mana bomb could not only destroy the city but kill all those who came to its defense. A move that Garrosh claimed would weaken the Alliance. Shortly afterwords the gathered Horde forces bore witness to the mana bomb destroying Theramore, much to the cheers of many and the disgust and outrage of others: Vol'jin being among the later.

As Garrosh and many of the Horde celebrated in Orgrimmar, Vol'jin and others such as Baine, Kelantir Bloodblade, and Frandis Farley gathered in Razor Hill and grumbled about the Warchief and discussed their true thoughts on the destruction of Theramore. Soon afterwords, Malkorok and members of the Kor'kron blew up the Razor Hill Inn, killing those inside like Bloodbade and Farley, who had questioned the Warchief and dubbed it an accident. When Vol'jin heard of the "accident", he had enough and decided to head back to his home on the Echo Isles. However as he was heading home he was met by a Darkspear runner who informed him that the Alliance fleet was heading to Orgrimmar.

Vol'jin was next seen after the battle. After the Alliance fleet was pushed back and the Horde controlled Kraken were killed, Vol'jin received news that not only was Northwatch retaken but the Alliance fleet was en route to destroy the Horde blockade. He then bore witness to Garrosh ordering the coastal blockade of Kalimdor to fall back. Baine is pleased with this decision, viewing it as Garrosh giving up on his plans for conquest. To his horror, however, Garrosh states that his plan has changed: instead of expelling the Alliance from Kalimdor, Garrosh now aims to wage a war of total genocide. After bearing witness, Baine declare that Garrosh will lose his support if another Theramore should happen the tauren and troll locked eyes. While disagreeing with Garrosh but needing to protect his people, Vol'jin glances sadly at Baine and gives him a nearly imperceptible shake of his head. In turn Baine nods his head showing his understanding of Vol'jin's plight.

With a world war on the horizon Vol'jin then journeys back to the echo isles to plan his next move.


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Вол'джин в пещере сауроков

Roughly two months after the initial foray into Pandaria, Garrosh himself arrives with the bulk of the Horde fleet and quickly goes about removing the local Alliance presence along the shores of Krasarang. Garrosh and Vol'jin have yet another clash of opinions about his warmongering at the newly-constructed Domination Point, resulting in Garrosh, long tested by the Darkspear chieftain's criticism, ordering his rival's outright murder (under the guise of Vol'jin being sent on a mission with the Kor'kron). Vol'jin survives the attempt on his life and instructs heroes to report his death to Garrosh and remain close to the warchief – biding their time and finding other like-minded members of the Horde to save their coalition before Garrosh's rule destroys it. Vol'jin has also entrusted this task to Baine Bloodhoof.

Some time afterwards he ends up caught in a river and is rescued by Chen Stormstout, who is troubled by his state. After Chen and the Horde champions help Vol'jin gain strength he sends them to find Thrall, handing over his own hearthstone (which is tied to The Den in Durotar). While Vol'jin recovers his allies free the Darkspear trolls on the Echo Isles from the Kor'kron, who under Garrosh's orders have declared martial law, with Thrall deciding to stand in and work with them until Vol'jin returns. Soon afterwards Chen takes Vol'jin to Shado-pan Monastery to recuperate. Vol'jin receives word from Baine about how Garrosh is capturing mogu and using the Sha. In a secret letter sent to Horde champions Vol'jin reveals that he is worried that Garrosh doesn't trust Baine and instructs them to keep Baine out of trouble, while reminding them that Garrosh trusts them.

Vol'jin later learns about how both the Horde and Alliance are trying to obtain the Divine Bell. While he doesn't want Hellscream to have the artifact Vol'jin concludes that he would be more comfortable with the bell in Horde hands. After learning about Jaina purging the Horde out of Dalaran, in a message to his allies Vol'jin remarks that Garrosh has changed the Jaina he knew. Vol'jin also learns about the breakdown of relations between Lor'themar and Garrosh and plans to approach the regent lord for a "talk" when he is able to.

Тени Орды

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Teetering on the brink of death from the attempt on his life, Vol'jin fought his way out of the saurok cave, only to come to the grim realization that his wounds would not mend. Garrosh had planned his assassination well: Vol'jin's natural healing was disabled by Rak'gor's poison, and the Darkspear chieftain narrowly survived local saurok ambushes while fleeing the scene. Succumbing to his wounds, Vol'jin was granted an audience on the other side with Bwonsamdi and his father, Sen'jin, each eager to see whether Vol'jin would cross over. The great loa suggested that Vol'jin's drive to live for his people's safety was a flaw -- that Vol'jin would do well to embrace his nature as a troll and embark on bloody conquest rather than merely securing his borders. Though tempted by the prospect, having witnessed the horrors of fleshshaping within the saurok cave (and the corruption that any mortal with this dread power would likely suffer), he denies himself the power. Amused by his reaction, and ultimately pleased that Vol'jin had not given in to death's embrace so easily, Bwonsamdi sends him back to the realm of the living with a vision of the trolls' great past, when the Zandalari empire stood at its zenith.

Unconscious and drifting down the outside river, Vol'jin was found by a group of pandaren cubs, who hastily informed Chen Stormstout that a "monster" was nearby. Aghast at his good friend's state, Chen rushed him to the safety of Binan Village, and then to the nearby Shado-Pan Monastery. Vol'jin awoke under the Shado-Pan's care, but he was not alone – a human hunter named Tyrathan Khort had also been found by Chen some time before, and the two were slated to "heal" together, so that the pandaren could better understand the conflict between them and what resolution they could manage. Under the watchful eye of Taran Zhu, the man and troll aided one another with tasks both menial and essential, including games of Jihui, a native board game where the objective was not necessarily to win, but for both players to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. As Vol'jin began the healing process, he and Tyrathan came to the mutual understanding that the only way forward was to work in tandem, grudgingly or otherwise.

Vol'jin was continually mocked with visions from Bwonsamdi, quizzing the Darkspear chieftain with questions about himself and his place in Azeroth.

Vol'jin began training with the pandaren monks, regaining his strength one step at a time. They took to calling him "Vol'jian" -- a nickname of multiple meanings that slid off their tongues more easily -- and watched as he engaged in Taran Zhu's trials, such as slicing through stone slabs with his bare hands, devoid of doubt.

Soon after, a vicious snowstorm engulfed the north, while Tyrathan was away on his frequent journeys up the mountainside. Vol'jin attempted to go after him, though Zhu refused this demand; still recovering as he was, Vol'jin would likely be walking into an icy deathtrap. Instead, Zhu instructed him to keep up with his "chores," and to ponder a question: whether Vol'jin's concern was for the human's well-being or the image he would gain by rescuing him. Tyrathan was soon after found by the monks, albeit near death and battered by the blizzard. Here, Vol'jin had his first encounter with the insidious sha: the true demons halting him from recovery. In this instance, shas of doubt were gripping the human's soul, and Vol'jin undertook a Memory Wine ritual to free him from it. Stepping into the man's shoes, Vol'jin witnessed Tyrathan's comrades and fellow hunters undertake a mission to the Serpent's Heart. There, Tyrathan's company was overrun and butchered by the sha, including a woman whom Vol'jin suspected the human had been close to. Tyrathan's intense guilt and doubt over her death gave Vol'jin his opening, and the shadow hunter assailed the sha threading all around his human companion. Vol'jin was successful in freeing him from this doubt, banishing enough of the sha to save the man's life.

Вол'джин сражается вместе с Ченом Буйным Портером.

Tyrathan and Vol'jin conversed after their shared memory, and the human was more forthcoming with questions he had avoided before. He revealed that he had indeed "died" at Serpent's Heart -- he was no longer the same man after he had crawled from its wreckage, just as Vol'jin was no longer the man he was after escaping the saurok cave and awakening at the monastery. However, the question of who both of them were now unsettled the pair. Vol'jin promised that if he found a way to conquer this particular fear, he would share the knowledge.

The loa had been distant since Vol'jin stepped into the human's mind. Vol'jin surmised that it was linked to either his faith or his experience in the human's body, though he knew deep down that he still revered his gods, if not as brutally as some other followers of the loa. He was eventually treated to visions from both Hir'eek, the loa of bats, and Elortha no Shadra, the Venom Queen, proving he was not forgotten. As it happens, he was not the only force attempting to appease the loa on Pandaria.

Over time, Tyrathan and Vol'jin came to understand one another a little better. As it happens, this was not the first time the two had been in close proximity: Tyrathan was dispatched to serve Daelin Proudmoore's forces against Thrall's burgeoning Horde, and several of his comrades had intended to slay Vol'jin then and there, to no avail. The two discussed what it means to have left their past selves behind. During a conversation between the two, Vol'jin was granted yet another vision, this time of a hidden northern island and a Zandalari fleet both docking into it and incoming southwards, towards Zouchin Village. Taran Zhu, Chen, Vol'jin and Tyrathan strategized their next move, and the latter three were assigned to a group of eighteen to halt the Zandalari advance and rescue Zouchin. Garbed in ill-fitting pandaren armour, Vol'jin and his human companion left for the town.

Vol'jin spearheaded the defense of Zouchin along with Tyrathan, breaking the siege on the village and pulling back before taking needless casualties. Several of the trolls were aghast that one of their own kind would be fighting against them, and Vol'jin used this shock to his advantage. Though he cut through a great deal, he was caught off-guard and cornered by a Zandalari warrior, taking several wounds; however, Tyrathan saved his life, impaling the Zandalari from afar. The groups retreated back and planned their next move, reading the Zandalari advance to get a better idea of where they would strike next, while the surrounding villages began to evacuate.

In a conversation with Taran Zhu, Vol'jin began to question just who he is and who he's become once more -- Chieftain Vol'jin of the Darkspear, leader of the Horde, or simply a troll. That night, he was approached once more by Bwonsamdi, though this time Vol'jin's answers to his questions pleased the great loa. Bwonsamdi revealed that the visions Vol'jin had received from the other loa were to remind of what it means to be a troll, and that his vision from Shadra (typically a matron loa of the Zandalari) was to pit him against her followers for reasons unclear, perhaps to spur them to better please her. Bwonsamdi thanked Vol'jin for sending him so many new trolls to place under his "care" in the afterlife, and bestowed upon him something Vol'jin had lost: his innate ability to regenerate, the gift given to all trolls. With parting words, Vol'jin promised to send him far more Zandalari before this conflict is done, and began to heal to his full potential.

Most of Vol'jin's severe wounds began to heal over with his troll regeneration back, though he chose to leave a slight portion of his throat slit to deepen and slightly change his voice, so as to make it different to the troll he had been -- the troll who had fallen for Garrosh's ploy.

For their services in the defense of Zouchin, Taran Zhu commissioned the stone likenesses of Vol'jin and Tyrathan to be engraved into a mountain of Pandaria, the same honour given to distinguished monks of the Shado-Pan. Rumours of Vol'jin's demise started to spread throughout the wider world: some members of the Horde believed that the Darkspear chieftain fell heroically against native enemies in service of the Warchief; others believed that he was targeted personally and assassinated. Some clung to the hope that he still lived, though these were few. In honour of his memory, several Horde members tattooed themselves with dark spears.

To halt the Zandalari advance, Vol'jin, Chen, and Tyrathan were tasked with venturing to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, to stop the Zandalari from reviving their slumbering mogu allies. Though practically a suicide mission (seven of them against unknown phalanxes of Zandalari), Vol'jin and Tyrathan admitted that they are dead men anyway. The man and troll reflected on their past and futures during the journey; Vol'jin was amused that the two of them could grow so close, despite the long years of hatred standing between their races. According to Tyrathan, no one in the world would believe that the two had formed a bond of friendship and now fought alongside one another in defense of a land they had no true attachment to, and that he would be tried for treason and executed if his friendship with Vol'jin was ever discovered.

Vol'jin was granted another vision by the Venom Queen, this time of the ancient alliance between the Zandalari and the mogu, a vision of an age long before any he had seen before. Vol'jin came to realize what it was that drove these two forces apart: the mutual arrogance that they were stronger than their counterpart. Both empires fell for different reasons; the Zandalari empire grew weak with its fracturing tribes and infighting, while the mogu were toppled and overthrown by the servants they had grown to rely upon. He awoke with a single spider web nestled atop his face.

Tyrathan and Vol'jin spotted a Zandalari camp nearby, complete with a group of captured Alliance scouts being tortured. Tyrathan insisted that he remain behind and help them from the shadows, and after some convincing, Vol'jin decided to help. After freeing the group from their captivity, the group's leader demanded to know where Tyrathan Knort was hiding, recognizing the fighting style of their hidden saviour. Vol'jin, protecting his friend's identity, denied keeping the company of such, and says that he, Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe, a leader of the Horde, had personally killed the man. The scouts are stunned to learn that Vol'jin himself still lived, aware of the rumours spreading of his apparent death. Vol'jin let them flee back to safety.

The group was ambushed by a Zandalari raid headed by Khal'ak, having lured Vol'jin into the open. Khal'ak had captured, subdued, and bound Tyrathan, though offered to let him live in return for Vol'jin's surrender and compliance. He warily agreed.

Вол'джин на своем ящере.

To Vol'jin's immense surprise, his ruthless host meant him no ill will. The two took raptors to a hidden house near Mogu'shan Palace, where Vol'jin was groomed and honoured (albeit grudgingly) as an esteemed shadow hunter and leader of the Darkspear tribe. Khal'ak ordered him to be bathed and dressed in fine clothing, and the two discussed his predicament over wine and food. Khal'ak had recognized him from King Rastakhan's troll gathering during the Cataclysm, and had witnessed Vol'jin decline the offer of a great troll alliance. She did not fault him for this choice -- the Darkspear tribe had thrived under his leadership, and had suffered none of the downfalls of the Amani and Gurubashi. Khal'ak once more offered him the choice he had turned away from, though this time sweetened the notion: in return for his allegiance, the Darkspear tribe would be propelled to the first tribe of the Zandalari, above all others. Vol'jin considered this offer, and with the reason he had declined Rastakhan's offer in the first place no longer applicable in the wake of Garrosh's treachery, he admitted his interest in it.

In return for his cooperation, Khal'ak ensured the safety of Vol'jin's companions. After witnessing the resurrection of Warlord Kao, the gathered trolls traveled back to the palace and left for the Isle of Thunder. Here, Vol'jin met with Khal'ak's superior, Vilnak'dor, and convinced him of his use to the cause. Vol'jin later admitted to Khal'ak that they would need to dispose of him to smoothly transition the Darkspear into this new alliance.

In truth, Vol'jin's experiences thus far had compelled him to make quite the opposite decision: he was a shadow hunter, the leader of the Darkspear tribe, and a Horde leader; Garrosh's treachery had not been to further the Horde's goals, but only his own. Vol'jin reflected that the Horde is a family, and that it falls to him to protect that family from Hellscream's ambitions. While he had considered Khal'ak's offer, the fact remained that the Darkspear had thrived not by struggling in vain to recreate an empire whose romanticized zeniths they had never truly known, but by working with the reality of the world and carving out a place in it.

Vol'jin returned to his companions, and helped them break out of their captivity. Under the cover of nightfall, they escaped the Zandalari encampment and procured an escape back to Pandaria's mainland via a fishing boat. After returning to the monastery, Vol'jin informed Taran Zhu of what had transpired, and that the Zandalari would next target the monastery. He insisted that the Shado-Pan needed to evacuate, though Zhu opted to stand and fight their ground instead. Vol'jin, Tyrathan and Chen swore themselves to this task too, and the monastery's thirty-three defenders were aptly named The Thirty-three. Vol'jin prepared a number of traps to halt the Zandalari advance, and spoke with Tyrathan before the battle. While both were certain that they would meet death in this battle, they chose not to cement their grizzly fates with goodbyes. Instead, Tyrathan offered to fletch the arrow that Vol'jin would use to kill Garrosh, and Vol'jin promised to hold him to it. The monks also forged a personal glaive for Vol'jin, to replace the one he had lost during his ordeal in the saurok cave.

While the Zandalari army had been fettered by Vol'jin and Tyrathan's traps, and further hampered by a snowstorm swirling near the monastery, they pressed their numerical advantage and fast closed in on the temple. Vol'jin himself strode out to meet them, alone, and offered a challenge by honourable combat to any who desired to pass him. His opponent was a towering mogu named Deng-Tai, wielding a ferocious longspear. Vol'jin held his own against his bulkier opponent, though mid-battle the Zandalari commander ordered the army to overwhelm Vol'jin and charge forward. As the tide turned against him, Chen and several monks arrived to help relieve the battle, though the group was heavily outmatched and forced to flee inwards. Regrouping inside, Vol'jin could see no sign of Tyrathan, and the survivors -- now fourteen from thirty-three -- were set upon by the Zandalari invaders once more.

Vol'jin fought and killed Khal'ak's captain in the ensuing chaos, though was immediately attacked by another mogu, preparing to impale Vol'jin with his spear. Tyrathan hurled him out of the way, and took the heavy blow meant for him. Taran Zhu fought off and defeated the mogu, while Vol'jin identified and did battle with a vengeful Khal'ak. His enemy was agile and vicious, and fought with the belief that she could read Vol'jin's moves and act accordingly. To counter her, Vol'jin eschewed his usual fighting style, and instead made use of his monk training with the Shado-Pan. He surged forward and caught Khal'ak off-guard, and shattered her from the neck-up with a powerful fist blow.

Leaderless and stunned by the resistance, the surviving Zandalari began to flee the scene. Vol'jin swore to save Tyrathan despite the man's desire to die, and invoked healing to mend his wound. Vol'jin contacted Bwonsamdi to bargain for his friend's life; with some convincing, the great loa agreed, and Tyrathan was set on a road to recovery not dissimilar to the one Vol'jin had endured. Vol'jin watched over Tyrathan during the healing process, and the two spoke once more when the time was right. Vol'jin reminded Tyrathan of his earlier offer, and the human promised to be there to fletch that arrow for Vol'jin to dispose of Garrosh with. The two parted as friends; with the life Vol'jin had helped preserve, Tyrathan aimed to try and reconcile with his family, while Vol'jin prepared to do the same with his own.


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Вол'джин возглавляет атаку на Колючий Холм

Vol'jin comes into contact with the regent lord of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar Theron, and earns his support to strike against and overthrow Garrosh. Returning to Durotar, Vol'jin learns that his people have been put under martial law by the Kor'kron; with Lor'themar finishing up on the Isle of Thunder (and across the ocean besides), Vol'jin is forced to declare open rebellion against Garrosh preemptively, and bases himself in Sen'jin Village. After speaking with both Thrall and Chen, Vol'jin sends Horde adventurers to gather supplies from Garrosh's Kor'kron forces in the Northern Barrens. Upon receiving the supplies, Vol'jin discovers that the Kor'kron have begun their attack on the village and after a fierce battle Vol'jin and his forces beat the invaders back.[6] With Sen'jin Village secure, Vol'jin goes to begin the march on Razor Hill, before it's fortified, when Thrall stops him and announces his plan to go to Orgrimmar. While Vol'jin protests that they need him, Thrall is adamant about finding orcs who are against Hellscream such as Saurfang and Eitrigg. In a last attempt to stop Thrall Vol'jin bluntly tells him that Garrosh's forces would kill him. However, Thrall points out that it is a chance he is willing to take to see that not all of his people are behind Hellscream. Thrall then asks Vol'jin to look after Aggra and his son if he doesn't make it, a promise that the shadow hunter agrees to.

After watching Thrall leave, Vol'jin rallies his forces at Sen'jin Village and personally leads the attack on Razor Hill. After the Kor'kron presence is eliminated, the people of Razor Hill willingly join the Darkspear rebellion and Vol'jin is met by Baine Bloodhoof. After agreeing to help the rebellion, while ensuring his people's safety first as many are in Orgrimmar, Baine points out that Orgrimmar is a fortress and that Vol'jin will need to seek out allies beyond the Horde.[7] Soon after, Vol'jin is approached by members of the Alliance and both the shadow hunter and adventurer agree to a tentative alliance in order to dispose of Garrosh by launching a two pronged assault on the city: the Horde attacking by land and the Alliance by sea.[8]

Осада Оргриммара

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Vol'jin and Baine moved inside of Razor Hill as the Thunder Bluff Warriors and Darkspear Headhunters were arriving. The two leaders discussed the situation of their army approaching by the sea and about Garrosh.

Вол'джин, новый Вождь Орды.

Vol'jin's rebellion had secured the lion's share of Durotar during the Siege of Orgrimmar, its forces now at the gates of the city itself. Vol'jin faced off with General Nazgrim, who unleashed the Iron Juggernaut against the Darkspear chieftain and Baine Bloodhoof. After its defeat, Tyrande Whisperwind secured the entrance to Orgrimmar, and told Vol'jin to go ahead while she held the line.

Vol'jin and Baine assisted Horde agents in the battles against the Kor'kron orcs in the Underhold. He told Baine and his warriors to hold the area while adventurers went after Thrall and Garrosh. Vol'jin wanted to stop the bloodshed happening above.

Vol'jin arrived at The Inner Sanctum following Garrosh's defeat, along with the other Horde leaders. Vol'jin told Thrall that the Horde needed its true Warchief back. After pointing out that it was Vol'jin who held the Horde together and preserved its honor, Thrall knelt before Vol'jin and pledged to follow his leadership. Vol'jin did not feel worthy of the title, but the other leaders of the Horde supported him, and he swore to give his all. He was then approached by Varian, who was briefly shocked at Vol'jin being the Warchief, before acknowledging that he desired peace between the Alliance and the Horde. However he warned that should Vol'jin's Horde fail to uphold honor as Garrosh did, the Alliance would end them.

When approached by Horde players after the Siege Vol'jin tells them to stand tall as they saved the soul of the Horde.[9]

Dat's de end of Hellscream.
<Vol'jin eyes you warily.>
What next, <race>?
Stand tall, <class>. Today ya saved de soul of de Horde.


  • Да хранят тебя духи!
  • Хочешь спросить совета у духов?
  • Чем старый Вол'Джин может тебе помочь?
Церемония вскрытия бочонка Хмельного фестиваля
Прибывает Вол'джин и подымается на помост.
Вол'джин кричит: Сегодня мы восхваляем тех, кто принёс нам добрую еду и питьё.
Вол'джин кричит: Мы оказали им честь, поставив их воевать друг против друга.
Вол'джин кричит: Мы выясним, кто величайший пивовар. Мы знаем, что пивоварни приняли вызов. Иначе мы не стали бы их приглашать.
Вол'джин кричит: А теперь давайте праздновать вместе с нашими братьями-воинами!
Зазывала пивоварни Дрона кричит: Опять нет повода не выпить!
Вол'джин кричит: Давай сосчитаем до пяти. Потом старый Вол'джин вскроет этот бочонок, и мы сможем решить, кто наилучший пивовар.
Толпа на Хмельном фестивале кричит: ПЯТЬ!
Толпа на Хмельном фестивале кричит: ЧЕТЫРЕ!
Толпа на Хмельном фестивале кричит: ТРИ!
Толпа на Хмельном фестивале кричит: ДВА!
Толпа на Хмельном фестивале кричит: ОДИН!
Вол'джин откупоривает бочонок.
Вол'джин кричит: Бочонок вскрыт! Сражение началось! Поднимайте кружки — и выпьем за наших участников...
Вол'джин кричит: Варим в честь Орды! Пьём в честь Орды!
Вол'джин спускается с помоста и уезжает обратно в Оргриммар.
Падение Залазана
Вол'джин кричит: Сыны и дочери Чёрного Копья! Друзья племени!
Вол'джин кричит: Сегодня мы отвоюем то, что по праву принадлежит НАМ!
Вол'джин кричит: Время пришло! Освободим острова Эха! Залазан падёт!
Вол'джин кричит: Мы готовимся атаковать острова и освободить их от власти Залазана!
Вол'джин кричит: Пробил последний час Залазана! Тролли Чёрного Копья вновь обретут свой дом!
Падение Залазана
Sons and daughters of de Darkspear! Friens of de tribe!
We be gatherin' here, on de shores of Sen'jin Village, to be takin' BACK what is ours!
Come, now! Join de liberation of de Echo Isles! Zalazane will FALL!
We be gettin' ready to march to de Isles, an' FREE dem of Zalazane's wicked rule! Join me!
Zalazane's time has come! De Darkspear will have a proper home again. Be ready!
Встреча с Гаррошем
Основная статья: Задание:Превосходя ожидания
Видение Гарроша Адского Крика говорит: Не перечь мне, тролль. Ты отлично знаешь, кого Тралл оставил вождем. Ты не задумывался, почему он выбрал меня, а не тебя?
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: Это и так ясно, Гаррош. Он оставил тебя вождем, потому что ты сын Грома, а народу нужен герой войны.
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: Ты похож на отца еще больше, чем думаешь. Хотя твоя кровь и не испорчена демоном.
Видение Гарроша Адского Крика говорит: Тебе повезло, что я не выпустил тебе потроха прямо здесь, крысеныш. Ты что, рехнулся – говорить со своим вождем в таком тоне?
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: Ты мне не вождь. Ты не заслужил мое уважение, и я не хочу, чтоб Орда распалась из-за твоей варварской кровожадности.
Видение Гарроша Адского Крика говорит: Да, и что же ты сделаешь? Это все пустые угрозы. Отправляйся гнить со своими выродками в трущобах. Я больше не собираюсь терпеть твою вонь в своем тронном зале.
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: Я знаю, что сделаю. Я буду терпеливо ждать, пока твои подданные не поймут, насколько ты жалок. Я буду смеяться, глядя, как растет их презрение к тебе.
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: И когда твоя бездарность станет всем очевидна, а сила – уже бесполезна, я окажусь рядом, чтобы без лишнего шума окончить твое правление.
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: Ты будешь править, затравленно оглядываясь и страшась теней, а когда придет время и кровь начнет покидать твое тело, ты будешь знать, чья стрела пронзила тебе сердце.
Видение Гарроша Адского Крика говорит: Ты сам подписал себе приговор, тролль.
Видение Гарроша Адского Крика плюет под ноги Вол'джину.
Призрак Вол'джина говорит: А ты – себе, "Вождь."
Вол'джин говорит: Племя Черного Копья здесь, потому что я так решил. Оргриммар нам не дом, пока там правит Адский Крик.
Вол'джин говорит: Боюсь, я позволил гневу помутить свой рассудок. Тралл посвятил всю жизнь тому, чтобы Орда стала тем, чем она стала. И я не могу сгоряча порвать с ней. Над этим следует хорошо подумать.
Вол'джин говорит: Но об этом пусть думают старшие. А тебе еще многому надо научиться. Иди помоги народу Черного Копья. Я чувствую, что скоро мы вновь увидимся.
Разговор с Траллом
Вол'джин говорит: Морская Ведьма мертва, наш дом отвоеван, но будущее по-прежнему туманно.
Вол'джин говорит: Мне не за что любить Гарроша, но выход из Орды - не простой шаг, и я должен хорошо его обдумать.
Вол'джин говорит: Но кое-кто может дать мне совет. Останься и послушай его, если хочешь.
Появляется Тралл.
Vision of Thrall говорит: Вол'джин. Рад встрече, брат.
Vol'jin говорит: Тралл! Я рад, что ты в порядке. Ходили тревожные слухи.
Vision of Thrall говорит: Знаю. Someone did try to kill me, but that is not my greatest concern at the moment. The world itself calls for my aid.
Vol'jin говорит: I must beg ya council my friend. I can't be standin' by Garrosh while he be turnin' our people against each other for the sake of war. My respect for ya does not extend to dis new Horde... I am tinkin' of leadin' my people away.
Vision of Thrall говорит: Vol'jin, I chose Garrosh because he has the strength to lead our people through these trying times.
Vision of Thrall говорит: For all my supposed wisdom, there have been moments that I've barely been able to hold the Horde together. The Wrath Gate and Undercity displayed that clearly.
Vision of Thrall говорит: The Horde cries for a hero of old. An orc of true blood that will bow to no human and bear no betrayal. A warrior that will make our people proud again. Garrosh can be that hero.
Vision of Thrall говорит: I did not make this decision lightly. Vol'jin. I know our alliances will suffer for it. I know the Horde will be irreversibly changed. But I made this choice with confidence that Garrosh is exacty what the Horde needs.
Vision of Thrall говорит: I'm trusting you and the other leaders to not let this divide our people. You are stronger than that.
Vol'jin говорит: I understand, brotha. I will tink on this and be troublin' ya no furtha. You have a world to be savin'.
Vision of Thrall говорит: Throm'ka old friend.
Vol'jin говорит: Ya be proud and strong, youngblood. Tha Darkspear will be honored ta have you fight beside de'm.
Vol'jin говорит: Dese will not be easy times, but i be suspectin' we will be stayin' with tha Horde for the good of all.
Vol'jin говорит: Thrall's words are true, as dey always be. The Horde is much more den a few old, stubborn leaders and a handfull of heroes from Northrend. The people be cryin' Garrosh's name... at least for now.
Vol'jin говорит: Still, I be hopin' Thrall will return to us one day. Tha future right now be lookin' very grim...and very bloody.
Vol'jin говорит: Go now. Make tha Darkspear proud. Dere are many wars ahead of us, an' I'm sure ya be hivin' a part to play in all of dem.
Разговор с Халдароном и Верисой

Silvermoon Messenger говорит: I bring word from the Regent Lord of Silvermoon.
Silvermoon Messenger говорит: Lord Lor'themar demands an explanation for the presence of this... exile in our lands.
Vereesa Windrunner говорит: Quel'Thalas is as much my home as it is yours and I would not see it fall to our ancient enemy. Now, you tell your cowardly regent --
Halduron Brightwing говорит: Vereesa, please!
Halduron Brightwing говорит: She is here at my invitation, courier. Most of my Farstriders are away and cannot be recalled easily. Vereesa's rangers know the land and are experienced combatants.
Silvermoon Messenger говорит: Lord Lor'themar does not concur with your reasoning, ranger-general. You have no authority to invite this --
Halduron Brightwing говорит: I am the commander of Silvermoon's defenses and I will seek assistance as I deem necessary!
Halduron Brightwing говорит: Now, Chieftain Vol'jin, before we were so rudely interrupted, you were telling us of the Zandalari's plans.
Vol'jin говорит: Dat I was. Da Zandalari called a meeting 'o all da troll tribes includin' da Darkspears.
Vol'jin говорит: King Rastakhan, he be plannin' to unite da troll tribes under his Zandalari.
Vereesa Windrunner говорит: Including the Amani?
Vol'jin говорит: Da Amani, da Gurubashi, all 'o dem. He be dispatchin' emissaries to every tribe.
Halduron Brightwing говорит: My scouts have reported nothing but quiet outside Zul'Aman.
Vol'jin говорит: Dey be holed up inside da ruined city, regroupin'.
Vol'jin говорит: Rastakhan be callin' me his brother, but da Horde be our true brothers. We gotta stop him before he can sweet-talk the others into joinin' his empire.
Vereesa Windrunner говорит: So how are we going to deal with this alliance between the Amani and the Zandalari?
Halduron Brightwing говорит: We must prevent it from occurring in the first place.
Vol'jin говорит: Dat be da plan. My men be infiltratin' the city and learnin' what dey can about da new Zandalari warlord.
Vereesa Windrunner говорит: Halduron, we should combine our forces and make preperations to act on reports from the Darkspear scouts.
Halduron Brightwing говорит: Agreed. Messenger, you may carry word of our plans back to Lord Lor'themar, but make it clear that I will not tolerate any further interference.

Кинжал во Тьме

Основная статья: Кинжал во Тьме


Основная статья: Восстание Черного Копья#Реплики

Осада Оргриммара

Vol'jin кричит: Garrosh be concealin' a whole hidden base. Where did his lust of power take him?
Baine Bloodhoof кричит: We will soon find out. He is cornered like a rat down in one of these corridors.
Baine Bloodhoof кричит: What should we do next?
Vol'jin кричит: Baine, you and your warriors hold this junction. These heroes should forge ahead an' flush the Warchief out of hidin.
Baine Bloodhoof кричит: What about you?
Vol'jin кричит: People be dyin' up above. Da city is in chaos. I'm gonna finish it - stop da bloodshed. I'll come back for ya.
Baine Bloodhoof кричит: ...very well.
Vol'jin кричит: It's gonna be fine, Baine. We gonna find Thrall, gonna kill de Warchief, gonna avenge your father.
Baine Bloodhoof кричит: Earthmother protect you, Vol'jin.
Vol'jin кричит: Hah. Darkspear never die.

Личность и черты характера

Vol'jin is a wise, pragmatic leader, who feels that his own personal happiness and wishes always take backseat to keeping his people prosperous, even at his own suffering. Personally, Vol'jin values freedom, even at the cost of misery and pain, above all else, and would never tie himself down to a life of leisure and security if it meant losing his freedom. Aside from that, Vol'jin highly values personal relationships, seeing Thrall and Cairne as his "brothers", his emotional attachment to his "Papa", Sen'jin, and was very close to Zalazane from birth until he went mad from his own power. While not warmongering , as indicated by his disgust at the idea of the Zandalari trying to regain their glory through war, as well as Garrosh's aggressive stance against the Alliance, he will do whatever it takes to keep his people safe, and to honor his commitment to Thrall and the Horde, as they are his "people" as much as the Darkspear tribe. As seen by his heated conversation with Garrosh though, violence is not beneath him to solve a problem, but he is a well spoken diplomat who knows how to pick and choose his words carefully to garner the results he wants. He seems to hold no real grudge against the Alliance, as he has no issue with sending envoys to Stormwind Harbor to ask for their help in defeating the Zandalari in Zul'Gurub, and seems to easily work alongside anyone who he feels works within the scope of his strategies. When he's not focused on the task at hand, Vol'jin wisely guides his people, and cares for those he is close to, and is ready to kill and die for those who would bring harm to them.

It also seems that Vol'jin is a very powerful Shadow Hunter, using voodoo to transform Rexxar, Rokhan and Chen Stormstout into invisible wyverns, a feat which has never been seen before.

Согласно тексту задания «Приказы Адмирала», он испытывает недоверие к людям. Тем не менее, этот диалог — просто копия диалога Назгрела, который ранее завершал данное задание[10].


  • Despite being leader of the Darkspear Trolls, in World of Warcraft Vol'jin was affiliated with Orgrimmar prior to the Cataclysm. His model used in Zalazane's Fall is affiliated with the Darkspear Trolls.
  • Вол'джин и Гелбин Меггакрут, лидер гномов, имеют ряд сходств. Оба они были преданы самыми близкими друзьями (Залазан/Сикко Термоштепсель), оба были вынуждены покинуть свои дома и возглавляли силы, чтобы вернуть их (Падение Залазана/Операция: Гномреган), во время Хмельного фестиваля они оба выезжают из городов, чтобы в 6 утра и 6 вечера, торжественно открыть бочонок. До Катаклизма они оба вынуждены были гостить в столицах другой расы (Оргриммар/Стальгорн).
  • Он является единственным известным троллем, который носит бороду.
  • В Warcraft III, Вол'джин имел модель старого Знахаря, но в WoW он молодой Темный Охотник. Вол'джин имел модель знахаря, вероятно для того, чтобы игрок не путал его с Роханом, другим Темным Охотником из его племени.
  • Вол'джин ранее был озвучен Крисом Метценом.[11] С Обновления 5.1, Вол'джина озвучивает Дэйв Фенной (который озвучивает Габриэля Тоша в StarCraft II).[12]
  • В русской версии, его озвучивает Владислав Копп, который также озвучивает Габриэля Тоша в StarCraft II.


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