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Для персонажа в Warlords of Draenor, см. Чернорук (Warlords of Draenor).
Изображение для Чернорук
Звание Разрушитель, Вождь, Убийца Королей, Вождь Черной Горы
Пол Мужской
Раса(ы) Орк
Класс персонажа Воин, Всадник на волке
Фракция Клан Черной Горы, Орда
Деятельность Вождь Орды, Вождь клана Черной Горы
Зона Неизвестно
Статус Умер
Родня Урукал (супруга), Ренд и Майм (сыновья), Гризельда (дочь)

Чернорук был Вождем Орды во время Первой Войны.



Легенды: Ставшая воином

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Один раз, Чернорук посетил деревню клана Северного Волка. Он увидел там Драку, которая едва ли могла поднять ведро воды, он воспринял это как признак слабости у части клана. Он сказал, что если бы такой ребенок родился в клане Черной Горы, то он бы ее убил. Вскоре после этого, Гарад сослал Келкара, Зууру, и Драку жить на окраину деревни.[1]

Восхождение Орды

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As all the warchiefs, Blackhand was present during a Kosh'harg festival. Later on he went to a meeting to Oshu'gun, where Ner'zhul told them that draenei are their enemies. After this, Blackhand then started to attack draenei hunters.

A Raider of the Sythegore Arm, and one of the most respected warriors in the Horde, Blackhand became the renowned chieftain of the powerful Blackrock clan on Draenor. Known as a tactical genius and a ruthless dictator who demanded respect from his warriors, his ego and lust for power made him very easy to manipulate — a fact which Gul'dan discovered very quickly. Through political manipulation and by stoking the embers of Blackhand's ego, Gul'dan was able to convince the Blackrock chieftain that he was a respected equal in the warlock's dark scheme, both the public leader of the Horde and a member of the secret Shadow Council; he was in fact merely a means to an end for the evil warlock.

Blackhand eagerly offered all of his shamans, cut off by the spirits for waging their demon-incited war against the draenei, to become the first Horde warlocks. In order to increase the number of warriors the Horde would be able to field against the draenei, Blackhand even had his own children's ages accelerated, making them battle-ready. With popular support — no doubt manipulated by Gul'dan — Blackhand was elected Warchief of the newly-formed Horde, but kept in line with Gul'dan's objectives through subtle bribery and outright blackmail. Commanding from the Hellfire Citadel, Blackhand directed the later campaigns against the draenei, including the invasion of Shattrath City.

Последний страж

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Leading the Horde through the Dark Portal after defeating the draenei, Blackhand conducted the entire war effort against the Kingdom of Stormwind in what became known as the First War. Though Stormwind eventually fell, Blackhand was left vulnerable when Gul'dan fell into a coma after attempting to steal information pertaining to the Tomb of Sargeras from the mind of Medivh. Seizing the opportunity provided by the powerful warlock's incapacitation, Blackhand's second-in-command, Orgrim Doomhammer — later known as the Backstabber for the deed he was about to commit — decided to seize power from the puppet Warchief, hoping he could lead his wayward people from the path they had taken. Leading loyalist troops in a surprise attack, Doomhammer defeated Blackhand and cut his head from his shoulders, becoming both Warchief and Chieftain of the Blackrock.



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Внешние ссылки

Вождь клана Черной Горы
Оргримм Молот Рока
Правитель Вершины Черной Горы
Оргримм Молот Рока
Вождь Орды
(совместно с Гул'даном)
Оргримм Молот Рока
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