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Загрузочный экран Некроситета
МестоположениеКаэр Дарроу, Западные Чумные земли
РасыСектантСектант Культ Проклятых
ПлетьПлетьПлетьПлеть Плеть
Последний боссТемный магистр Гандлинг
Лимит игроков5
Крепость Каэр Дарроу - вход в Некроситет
Штандарт Некроситета

Некроситет, ужасающее место обучения некромантов Плети, расположен в руинах Дворца Баровых, возвышающегося над городом Каэр Дарроу. Уровень противников колеблется в диапазоне 56-62, аналогично Стратхольму и трубет минимум 45 уровень для входа, а также наличие [отмычки] или разбойника с навыком взлома не меньще 280. Alternatively, a warlock can Life Tap himself as low as possible, then Hellfire himself to death. While in ghost form, he can step through the door and resurrect on the inside, letting the group in that way.

This instance is at least partially soloable at level 70, although not without considerable risk. It is a good test of a player's gear and skill, offering lessons in the importance of execution order, suitable levels of patience, and situational awareness. It becomes completely soloable at probably around tier 5 or equivalent gear.

Scholo is also probably the single most efficient pre-TBC instance for farming, with trash runs up to the Great Ossuary taking about 45 minutes for a fast player, and potentially yielding 100-200 gold, depending on which blue items drop. The instance has a very rich loot table for the level range, and individual mobs tend to drop good amounts of both coins and Runecloth as well, which generally still sells well on the Auction House. In addition, necromancers and dark summoners (as well as a few of the bosses) drop the prized Dark Runes, which are both useful for raiders and can still command prices of 15-20 gold each on the Auction House. It is not uncommon for 3-4 to drop during a single run, adding potentially another 80 gold to the instance's yield.



Ниже представлена информация о данном с официального сайта Blizzard:

Некроситет расположен в склепах под крепостью Каэр Дарроу, которой некогда владело благородное семейство Баровых. Во время Второй войны эта крепость была разрушена. Когда волшебник Кел'Тузад вербовал сторонников в свой Культ Проклятых, он сулил бессмертие тем, кто будет служить его повелителю – Королю-личу. Баровы поддались его влиянию и пожертвовали культу свои владения, но культисты убили всю их семью и превратили склепы в школу некромантии. Самого Кел'Тузада там уже нет, но культистов по-прежнему много. Правит Некроситетом и блюдет его от лица Плети могущественный лич Рас Ледяной Шепот. Из смертных во главе Некроситета стоит коварный некромант Темный магистр Гандлинг.




Ведьмин зал Главный склеп Демонстрационная комната
Зал Проклятых Зал Тайн Кабинет Директора
Лаборатория Мрачный Свод Семейный склеп Баровых
Склеп Равениана Усыпальница Чертог Призыва

Задания на ключ к Некроситету

Задания в Некроситете

Рассветный гамбит

Справедливость ради Саркоффов

После выполнения этой цепи вы получите  [Сущность привидения], которая позволит вам видеть других призраков Каэр Дарроу.

Рас Ледяной Шепот

Для доступа к данной цепи необходимо пройти вышеназванную цепь.

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Некроситет в ранних обновлениях

At release, Scholomance was an extremely challenging dungeon. Typically, the dungeon was raided in 10-man parties, with a difficulty similar to Upper Blackrock Spire.

Subsequent patches in the summer of 2006 changed Scholomance drastically. Mobs were weakened slightly, and a great many were removed. However, Scholomance could no longer be run with more than 5 party members. At the time, this "Scholo Nerf" was a common topic for party chat among long-time players.

Loot in Scholomance has changed gradually over time. Originally, each boss dropped some relatively weak loot. The dungeon waned in popularity as players saw little point in running it after they had completed their quests and acquired their Dungeon Set 1 hat. Blizzard again patched the dungeon. At this point, Scholomance drops a moderate amount of fairly useful items, including a very small chance at the epic [Headmaster's Charge] and [Alanna's Embrace].

The rewards available from the Argent Dawn have also broadened through patches. Scholomance is a staple source of Argent Dawn reputation and Scourgestones. Players seeking Argent Dawn tradeskill recipes, resistance enchantments or Armaments of the Dawn often spend a great deal of time in Scholomance or Stratholme.

Интересные факты

  • According to Romanian legend, a real exists by an unnamed lake in the mountains south of the city of Hermannstadt (called Sibiu in Romanian) in Transylvania. This school of black magic is said to be run by the Devil, and would accept only ten students at a time. The tenth would remain to serve the Devil as payment for his teachings. The Scholomance in WoW is placed in the middle of the lake, much like its legendary namesake. In Bram Stoker's Dracula, Count Dracula is said to have spent several years training under the Devil in the Scholomance. It is referenced in both Stoker's novel and an article titled "Transylvanian Superstitions" on page 136 of The Nineteenth Century by Emily Gerard.
  • Trivia, according to early blue posts: Scholomance was originally thought of as an outdoor non-instanced area, much smaller, where Uther's Tomb is now. The designers made it so visually stunning that it was turned into an instance, so that it could be moved and enlarged.

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