Нат Пэгл
Нат Пэгл
| |
Звание | <Интендант рыболовов> |
Пол | Мужской |
Раса | Человек (Гуманоид) |
Уровень | 38/45/85-90 |
Здоровье | 2,790 (Старые Предгорья Хилсбрада) 4,435 (Остров Новолуния и Пылевые топи) 12,712 (Красарангские джунгли) |
Реакция | Альянс Орда |
Фракция | Рыболовы |
Зона | Nat's Landing, Пылевые топи[59, 60] , Южнобережье, Старые предгорья Хилсбрада, Остров Новолуния и Пристань Рыболовов, Красарангские джунгли |
Статус | Жив |
Ученик(и) | Катум |
Нат Пэгл учитель рыбной ловли, рыбачит Nat's Landing на безымянном острове в Заливе Яростных Волн. Отсров на юго-западе от недавно разрушенного города Терамор на оспариваемой территории Пылевых топей. В настоящее время, Нат Пэгл является самым известным рыбаком (or "Angler Extreme") в World of Warcraft. Видимо, он использовал свою известность (или получил известность) запустив собственную линию рыболовной продукции.
Он утверждает, что у него нет особого интереса к рыбалке, он не рыбачил уже 20-30 лет. Он также говорит, что рыбалка является "большим поводом выпить ... сильно", и поэтому он считается алкоголиком. Это предположение также подтверждается тем фактом, что раньше можно было найти много бутылок с выпивкой на Pagle's Pointe в оригинальном Зул'Гурубе, котрый был предположительно бывшим местом рыбалки.
Содержание |
World of Warcraft
Нат Пэгл дает задание Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme. Для взятия задания необходим уровень рыбной ловли 255 и минимальный уровень 35. После Обновление 3.1, это задание больше не требуется для навыка рыбной ловли уровня Подмастерье. Вместо этого в награду теперь предлагается специальная удочка превосходного качества. Если вы уже завершили задание, вы можете посетить ната Пэгла, чтобы забрать награду.
Игроки могут получить задание Quest:Nat's Measuring Tape открыв Battered Tackle Box, содержащий ленты, найти ее можно на Стоянке Пэгла в Зул'Гурубе. Это задание включает в себя возвращение лент Нату. When completing this quest, he says it is his favorite measuring tape and shares information about the hydra Gahz'ranka.
In another repeatable quest given by Nat, after completing "Nat's Measuring Tape" and having a fishing skill of 300 or higher, he gives instructions for summonning Gahz'ranka at Pagle's Pointe. He also sells the lures needed for summoning Gahz'ranka. These Mudskunk Lures must each be filled with 5 Zulian Mudskunk in order to be used. Zulian Mudskunk are caught in Zul'Gurub itself by fishermen with 300 skill or more. This Zul'Gurub boss encounter is optional and can be done only once after every reset of the instance.
In-game, various items besides the ones in Nat Pagle's line of fishing equipment (below) can be found. Most notorious is the book Nat Pagle's Guide to Extreme Anglin'. It is by this book that Nat Pagle was first connected to the quest for the legendary sword Ashbringer. The last readable page contains only the words: "... And so that's where you'll find the legendary sword of the Scarlet Highlord, Ashbringer. Ain't it amazin' what you run into in an ordinary day of fishin'?"
Старые Предгорья Хилсбрада
In the Escape from Durnholde Keep instance in the Caverns of Time, Nat is seen fishing alongside Hal McAllister in Southshore. He talks about his dreams of events that will happen in the future, like Tarren Mill being overrun by the Undead, Arthas being possessed by the Lich King and killing his father, Thrall's escape from Durnholde Keep, and Archimonde being killed by "small lights". (In that dream, he was a female night elf.) He also describes two gangsters named Tigule and Foror inventing ice cream, and eventually entering a dimensional gate. McAllister scoffs at every dream, which ironically all are to come true in real life.
Боги Зул'Амана
Starting in Patch 2.3.0, Nat is involved in the Take Down Tethyr! quest line, started by Sergeant Amelyn (This Old Lighthouse), which ultimately has players fighting Tethyr, a Level ?? Elite (Boss) Sea monster, with the help of some guards from Theramore.
Nat's appearance begins with the quest Is it Real? offered by "Dirty" Michael Crowe. Nat offers Nat's Bargain. After accepting the quest, apply the Pagle's Fish Paste, Extra Strength he gives you, then swim southwest to the wrecked ship. Swim around until a level 37 Lurking Shark aggros, then swim back up to Nat to complete the quest.
After completing Nat's Bargain, he offers Oh, It's Real directing players to Major Mills near the docks of Theramore.
Nat Pagle, as every fisherman, is very sturdy and remains untouched by the Shattering and Deathwing. Also, his Arcanite Fishing Pole that he donated for Booty Bay's fishing contest is now more unique in terms of look.
Nat helps defend Sethria's Roost on Mount Hyjal against the minions of Ragnaros during the quest Quest:The Protectors of Hyjal and also occasionally makes an appearance on the Darkmoon Island at the Darkmoon Boardwalk overlooking the sea.
Mists of Pandaria
- A fellow angler I see! I have a variety of gear from these local fisherman, just let me know what you need!
Nat makes an appearance at Anglers Wharf, off the southern shore of the Krasarang Wilds. He has affiliated himself with the Anglers alongside his buddy John "Big Hook" Marsock. He reprises his role as a fishing trainer but is also the Anglers' quartermaster.
Он начинает следующие задания в Пылевых топях:
Он также принимает участие в следующих заданиях в Пандарии, что увеличивает с ним репутацию:
- Задание:Летающий тигровый гурами (+600)
- Задание:Мимикрирующий осьминог (+600)
- Задание:Самец Иглоспинки (+600)
Рыболовные снасти Ната Пэгла
These are the items either used, launched, or licensed by Nat Pagle. Most of these items give +fishing skill and are obtainable as a drop or quest reward.
- [Nat's Lucky Fishing Pole]
- [Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000] "Limited Edition"
- [Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots]
- [Nat's Measuring Tape]
- [Nat Pagle's Broken Reel] "Fer really long castin'."
- [Nat Pagle's Fish Terminator] "Fishin's fer sissies - Nat Pagle"
- [Arcanite Fishing Pole] "It looks like Nat Pagle himself used this."
Другие предметы связанные с Натом Пэглом:
- [Nat Pagle's Guide to Extreme Anglin'], found as a random drop in the Alterac Valley battleground.
- [A Thoroughly Read Copy of "Nat Pagle's Extreme' Anglin."], found in Dire Maul.
He also wrote Nat Pagle's Field Guide to Aquatic Life.[1]
Памятные цитаты от Ната
"Can't say I really enjoy fishin' much. Figure I been at it for a good 20 or 30 years now.
"I reckon people are driven to do what they do for different reasons."
"If you ask me, the best part about fishing is its slow pace. It gives one time to think, to reflect on past events and to plan for future ones. Oh, and it's also a great excuse to drink. Heavily."
"Now, I'm not saying you need to fish for 30 years or catch every fish in the sea to become a master fisherman. I reckon you just need to be determined - determined enough to sit on your duff for hours at a time, doin' nothin'."
"Fishin's fer sissies" - [Nat Pagle's Fish Terminator]
Имя этого НИП имеет отсылку к сотруднику Blizzard по имени Пат Нэгл (см. http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,16664/), который по слухам имеет одинаковые привычки с Натом: питье и рыбалка.
Пещеры Времени
Nat is found in Old Hillsbrad Foothills as an uninteractable NPC. He is much younger and he has not even grown a mustache yet. He is Level 38 instead of his normal Level 45. He is found fishing at the end of the Southshore dock beside Hal McAllister, with whom he has some amusing conversations about his vivid dreams.
- Nat Pagle говорит: Hal...
- Hal McAllister говорит: Yea, Nat?
- Nat Pagle говорит: Had that dream again last night...
- Hal McAllister говорит: Which one?
- Nat Pagle говорит: So I'm on some mountain with some big ol' tree. Bunch of elves runnin' around all over...
- Nat Pagle говорит: Out of nowhere, some 300 foot tall demon or somethin' walks up and stars climbin' the tree...
- Nat Pagle говорит: And if that weren't crazy enough, that big demon gets killed by a bunch of little floating light things... Oh, I was also a female elf in that one... Yep...
- Nat Pagle говорит: I can't even believe this one... You know those two loud-mouthed ruffians, Foror and Tigule?
- Nat Pagle говорит: Well in this dream, they somehow end up inventing something called ice-cream and flavoring it with strawberries... Well, long story short, they end up striking it rich!
- Nat Pagle говорит: If that weren't crazy enough, they decide to quit ice-cream business and become adventurers... They travel all over the place and finally disappear into some portal. I woke up in a cold sweat after that one...
- Nat Pagle говорит: This one's real grim... So the king's kid, Arthas... Well he goes out to battle evil, along with Uther...
- Nat pats his brow dry.
- Nat Pagle говорит: But tragically, Arthas is consumed by the evil and becomes evil himself...
- Nat Pagle говорит: Well, he comes back to the king all pretendin' to be nice, draws his sword, and runs the king through, elbow to... well you know... kills him on the spot.
- Hal McAllister shakes his head.
- Nat Pagle говорит: In this dream, I was fishin' master of the world. I moved to some place called Kalimdor...
- Nat Pagle говорит: And people from all over the world come to pay me homage... and learn to fish.
- Nat Pagle говорит: I'm like some kind of fishing god...
- Nat Pagle говорит: That one dream... The crazy one. Remember?
- Nat Pagle говорит: Tarren Mill is destroyed by some crazy force of undead and forever more becomes an enemy to Southshore.
- Nat Pagle говорит: Could ya imagine such a thing, Hal? Could ya?
- Nat Pagle говорит: That one where I'm in Durnholde and that one orc that Blackmoore keeps as his personal slave breaks out...
- Nat Pagle говорит: He ends up destroying the whole keep, freeing all the orcs we're keeping in the camps, and rising to power as the king of orcs... Warchief or somethin'.
- Nat Pagle говорит: Crazy, isn't it?
Each time, Hal McAllister finally answer him one the following:
- Nat, Nat, Nat...
- Impossible!
- What you got in that pipe, Nat?
- Nat, I've heard a whopper or two in my day but that one takes the cake.
- I worry about you sometimes, Nat.
- No way.
- Shut up and fish, Nat.
Изменения в обновлениях
- Обновление 5.0.4 (28-08-2012): Появляется в Пандарии под руководством Рыболовов а также своей фракции/интенданта.
- Обновление 4.3.0 (29-11-2011): Иногда посещает Остров Новолуния.
- Обновление 4.2.0 (28-06-2011): Замечен во время Задание:Защитники Хиджала.
- Обновление 2.3.0 (13-11-2007): Появление в Задание:Is it Real?.
- Обновление 2.0.3 (09-01-2007): Был обнаружен в прошлом.
- Обновление 1.5.0 (07-06-2005): Добавлен.
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