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Бронзовое святилище драконов
Бронзовое святилище драконов [72.0, 39.0] — это небольшая пустынная область схожая внешним видом с кратером на северо-западе от
Крепости Стражей Зимы, атакованная
драконами Бесконечности. The
dragonshrine is currently protected by a time storm preventing immortals from entering. Inside the
Infinite Dragonflight are fighting the shrine's defenders and seek to control the sacred
bronze dragon land.
In Quest:Mystery of the Infinite, the player will have to discover the Infinite Dragonflight's leader. Upon completing the quest's objective, the player will see a temporal Nozdormu, whom Chromie says (upon completion of the quest) is currently in direct conflict with Infinite Dragonflight forces.
End Time
Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.
During the events depicted in the End Time instance, the Hourglass of Time has been stolen and brought here. The winds are raging and the infinite dragon Murozond has made the dragonshrine his lair, awaiting anyone brave enough to survive the harsh conditions of a doomed world.
Шаблон:End Time Subzones