Сердце И'Шараджа

Материал из Вовпедии
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Сердце И'Шараджа — это сердце погибшего Древнего Бога, И'Шараджа. После победы над Древним Богом Титанами и их армией могу, оно хранилось в склепе И'Шараджа.[1][2]

Сердце И'Шараджа

Во время Пандарийской кампании, гоблины смогли найти этот склеп и сердце было взято для нужд Орды Малкороком.[3] The Heart was then revived by Garrosh Hellscream, using the power of the magic pools of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, unleashing the Sha of Pride and corrupting most of the Vale in the process. It was later taken to Orgrimmar's Underhold, where it was mounted within Garrosh Hellscream's Inner Sanctum.[4]

Клакси have since allied themselves with Garrosh because of their worship of Y'Shaarj, and the warchief has been able to wield the power of the Heart to some extent.

After Garrosh was defeated, the heart seemingly suffered a failure, ultimately draining the last remnants of its power.
