Арена Истребления

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Арена Истребления сценарий World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Это знаменитое продолжение цепочки квестов Круга Крови.



Готовы к бою? Гаргток и Водин предлагают попытать силу еще раз!

Гаргток и Водин вновь взялись за старое! В этот раз они обустроили арену для боев на заснеженной вершине Кунь-Лай, в Храме Белого Тигра.

«Ах, припоминаю, в Награнде мы устраивали бои в грязнющей яме. Немало воды утекло с тех пор. Да, Водин? Зуб даю, этих монахов хлебом не корми, дай на драку посмотреть. Уж это дело они любят! Даже согласились заплатить, чтобы я устроил тут арену и бойцов со всего света пригласил. Ну, что скажешь? Продержитесь с приятелями пару раундов на Арене Истребления? Большой риск — большие деньги!»[1]

Обитатели сценария

Карта Арены
Враждебные Дружественные


  • Используйте паузы между боями, чтобы восстановить силы. Ваши противники не вступят в бой, пока вы на них не нападете.
  • Остерегайтесь атак, наносящих урон по области, — перемещающейся стены огня Малышки Люян, ударов молнии сокрушителя облаков Кобо.

Стадия 1: Потертый Панцирь

Призовите и одолейте могучую драконью черепаху Потертый Панцирь.

Scar-shell is the first challenge. He has a piercing bite which reduces the targets armor by 50%. Once in a while, he spins around the room at great speeds, dealing damage to anyone in his path, but he is extra-vulnerable after he stops spinning.

Стадия 2: Джол'Грум

Призовите и одолейте грозу груммелей, снежного ужаса, Джол'Грума.

Jol'Grum is the second challenge. He has two notable abilities:

  • Headbutt — Deals damage to his current target and knocks it back, dealing 15% of the targets health as damage over 3 seconds.
  • Slam — Jol'grum moves to the middle of the room and casts Slam, dealing damage to every player in the room and knocking them back.

Additionally, Jol'grum has a special energy bar that fills when he moves. If it reaches 100 he will get the buff Angry which increases his movement- and attackspeed for several seconds.

Стадия 3: Малышка Люян

Призовите и одолейте игривого духа огня Люян.

Little Liuyang is the third challenge. He chain casts a Fireball which can be interrupted. Roughly every 15-20 seconds he casts Flameline which creates a line of fire that deals damage to everyone who stands in it.

His special ability is called Flame Wall. He will deal 35,000 damage to anyone near him and summons three flame walls and three Flamecoaxing Spirits. The spirits and flame walls will start moving against the clock, defeating a spirit will remove one of the flame walls. Additionally, as long as at least one spirit is alive, Little Liuyang will reflect 50% of the damage he takes back to the attacker. He will still chain casts fireballs during this.

Стадия 4: Чаган Огненное Копыто

Призовите и одолейте странствующего яунгола-воина Чагана Огненное Копыто.

Chagan Firehoof is the fourth challenge. He charges into battle alongside his yak steed, Batu. He has two abilities, the first is called Hammertime which is a PBAoE effect. The second ability is called Trailblaze. Trailblaze will summon three lines of fire in front of him and one behind him. These deal damage every second to anyone who stands in them.

Финальная стадия: Победите последнего противника!

Вызовите и одолейте последнего противника и получите награду у Водина.

На заключительной стадии вы должны победить финального претендента. Это один из трех случайно выбранных врагов.

Маки Водорез

Битва с Маки Водорезом состоит из двух фаз. During the first he will cast Wild Fixation every so often, fixating on a random player. He attacks this player with Crashing Slash which deals 150% frost damage.

After some time, phase 2 will start. He will move to the middle of the room and uses a whirlwind attack. Additionally, water will flow in the ring from all sides, pushing you towards the middle. You have to run towards the water so it won't push you into Maki's attack.

Сатай Бюй

The battle against Satay Byu consists of only one phase. Each of his attacks stacks a slowing poison debuff on his target, lowering the movement speed and eventually rooting it. He uses a Throw to deal damage to far away targets and also has a skill called Speed of the Jinja, which let's him attack rapidly for 50% weapon damage per hit.

Сокрушитель облаков Кобо

The battle against Cloudbender Kobo consits of two phases. During the first he summons Tornados which are moving void zones. He also has a Cyclone Kick where he deals AoE damage to anyone nearby. He can also jump a random target with Flying Serpent Kick.

After some time Cloudbender Kobo will start flying around on a cloud, shooting lightning at the arena floor which leaves behind voidzones. He will fly one round around the arena before phase 1 will start again.



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