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Арена Испытаний
Арена Испытаний | |
загрузочный экран Арены Испытаний | |
Местоположение | Храм Белого Тигра, Вершина Кунь-Лай |
Информация о подземелье | |
Рекомендуемый уровень | 90 |
Минимальный уровень | 90 |
Лимит игроков | 1 |
В жизни каждого танка, целителя и бойца наступает момент, когда они решают поднять командное взаимодействие на качественно новый уровень. И как раз для такого судьбоносного момента и создана арена испытаний. Арена расположена внутри Храма Белого Тигра, и благодаря этому новому игровому элементу игроки получат доступ к сценарию для одного игрока 90 уровня, который можно проходить сколько угодно раз. На арене испытаний можно будет спокойно и без лишнего риска попробовать себя в разных ролях.[1]
С чего начать
Сначала вам потребуется поговорить с НИП в Храме Белого Тигра на Вершине Кунь-Лай или с учителем своего класса, чтобы вас пропустили на арену. После того, как вы окажетесь на арене испытаний, характеристики вашей экипировки будут изменены точно так же, как и в режиме испытаний. В ходе испытаний вы, возможно, сможете получить помощь в зависимости от того, какую роль вы выберете.
Внутри сценария
Внутри, игроки получают полный комплект рейдовых бафов, и уровень вещей скалируется до 463, как в Режиме Испытаний. Сетовые бонусы не работают.
Мастер испытаний Ротун начинает испытания, но прежде чем начать, не стесняйтесь бесплатного ремонта, изменения талантов/символов, и еды, предоставляемые Поставщиком Эхорутом, перековки у Мистика Звездное Перо, и получения Камня Здоровья у Надаги Ткачихи Душ из источника душ.
На арене испытаний, как и в любом другом подземелье, вы сможете выбрать роль танка, целителя или бойца. После этого вам предстоит пройти серию испытаний, созданных с использованием игровой механики, характерной для типичного подземелья.
Танк: вам потребуется защитить NPC от надвигающихся волн противников. Ваши навыки танка подвергнутся серьезной проверке самыми разными способами. Но не бойтесь: на помощь придет дружественный NPC, который будет восстанавливать ваше здоровье и наносить урон противникам.
Боец: порой приходится действовать в одиночку. Вы сразитесь с обычными противниками, при этом используя различные тактики, учитывающие механику игры: нужно будет прерывать заклинания исцеления, уничтожать убегающих монстров, учитывать время восстановления способностей, прерывать действие эффектов и способностей, наносящих урон, и так далее.
Целитель: к вам присоединятся четыре НИП, чтобы образовать полную группу. Вам потребуется продемонстрировать виртуозное владение исцеляющими заклинаниями, чтобы сохранить жизни союзников и вместе справиться с наступающим противником.
Дружественные НИПы не включены в испытание бойцов.
Базовое нанесение урона (Бронза)
В бронзовом испытании базового урона идут пять волн, и каждая волна должна быть побеждена до истечения определенного времени. Есть три типа врагов:
- Small, Large and Huge Illusionary Slayer — Level 92 saurok with 316,000, 526,000 and 1,686,368 health respectively. No abilities.
- Small Illusionary Guardian — Level 93 mogu with 326,000 health.
- Small and Large Illusionary Varmint — Level 91 virmen with 122,000 and 203,000 health respectively. Nearly always clumped together. No abilities.
Базовое нанесение урона (Серебро)
Базовое нанесения урона в категории серебро, состоит из восьми волн и двух новых типов врагов:
- Small and Large Illusionary Amber-Weaver — Level 92 mantid with 316,000 and 526,000 health respectively.
- Small and Large Illusionary Mystic — Level 92 jinyu with 500,000 and 1,053,000 health respectively.
- Large Illusionary Guardian — Level 93 mogu with 500,000 health.
Базовое нанесение урона (Золото)
Базовое нанесение урона в категории золото, состоит из десяти волн и трех новых типов врагов:
- Hozen мужской Small and Large Illusionary Banana-Tosser — Level 92 hozen with 316,194 and 526,990 health respectively.
- GhostMogu мужской Small and Large Illusionary Banshee — Level 91 banshee with 163,013 and 305,649 health respectively.
- Sha мужской Small and Large Illusionary Sha — Level 93 sha with 5,015,576 and 7,632,398 health respectively.
Стадия | Враги | Время | Советы | Обзор |
1 | small x2, small x2 | 30 | When amber globules strike an enemy that enemy takes 50% more damage for a few seconds so you probably want to tackle the two Small Illusionary Slayers first, kiting these globules into at least one of them. | |
2 | large, Hozen мужской large | 35 | You probably can't get a globule to hit the Small Illusionary Banana-Tosser here, but if you take out that Banana-Tosser first it should be easy to make the Small Illusionary Amber-Weaver trap itself. | |
3 | small, small, Hozen мужской small | 40 | Consider using CC on either the Small Illusionary Banana-Tosser or Small Illusionary Mystic if you are having trouble interrupting heals while dodging bananas. | |
4 | large, Hozen мужской small | 40 | Here you are presented with the first Berserking buff - you'll get another in a couple waves. They increase your damage by 30%. Please note that you do not have to use it on the wave it appears - e.g. if you are having trouble with wave 5 but find wave 4 really easy, save it for wave 5. Also, this is the first wave with a Large creature - this Mystic has a lot more health than you fought in the last wave. | |
5 | small x3, GhostMogu мужской small x3 | 45 | Pet classes can benefit from having their pet damage one Guardian while you damage another - to reduce pet movement time. Pets will always attack from behind. These are small creature types so this phase should not be hard unless you are attacking from the front. | |
6 | small x2, large x4, small x2 | 50 | This is a simple exercise in making sure you can CC a target. The Small Illusionary Mystics will not start casting a heal until something is damage so you have plenty of time to get set up at the start if needed. | |
7 | Hozen мужской small, small, small, small, GhostMogu мужской small, GhostMogu мужской large | 55 | This is probably the biggest combination of different enemies faced so far, but you do have a buff if needed. | |
8 | small x2, Sha мужской small, GhostMogu мужской small | 60 | Small Illusionary Sha will take 50% reduced damage for 40 seconds before losing their shield and taking 300% damage for 20 seconds - or 6 times as much damage as their previous phase. It's probably not worth trying to save amber globules for his increased damage phase because you will not have much time to finish off the Small Illusionary Amber-Weaver afterwards. Just get the two Small Illusionary Amber-Weavers down before the Sha's shield falls off. | |
9 | Hozen мужской small, large, Sha мужской small, GhostMogu мужской small | 75 | Nothing really new here - just kill the Small Illusionary Mystic and Small Illusionary Banana-Tosser and start working on the Small Illusionary Sha (no CDs yet!) until his shield falls off. | |
10 | large, Sha мужской large, GhostMogu мужской small x2 | 80 | The Sha is now Large so the health difference should be noticeable. There won't be enough time for a second burn phase, but you will be able to pick up a couple more percent if you didn't get it down in the first one. |
Базовое нанесение урона (Бесконечный режим)
Бесконечный режим в испытании базового нанесения урона позволит вам проверить свои навыки. У вас есть одна минута, чтобы победить каждую из волн и пятнадцати секундный перерыв, после десятой волны и повторов.
Стадия | Враги | Советы |
1 | large x3, small x6 | You can use the Amber Globules either on the Small Illusionary Varmint pack in the center, or on the Large Illusionary Amber-Weavers themselves. This is one of the most generous rounds in terms of damage requirement. |
2 | small, small, large x2, GhostMogu мужской small | All of these mobs are CC-able, and in fact I preferred to trap the Small Illusionary Mystic so that I could aim Amber Globules at one of the Large Illusionary Guardians. Note that the Small Illusionary Banshee does not appear on the map - Banshees always appear in the center circle and are not present at the start of a round. This is a "Small" Banshee so it has very little health, but will detonate after 10 seconds and end your attempts, making it a high priority when it appears. |
3 | Hozen мужской large x2, large x18 | They all start in the center, but note that the Large Illusionary Varmints fan out in a star pattern. Earlier in the PTR they were easily AoE'd, but now some classes will likely only be able to AoE a subset of them. You should still have plenty of time for this round if you can handle the Large Illusionary Banana-Tossers quickly. |
4 | large, large x4, GhostMogu мужской small | There's a large damage requirement here if you need the Berserker, but you may be better off completing this wave without using it, because the requirements for the latter 5 waves are also very high. You will absolutely want to use the Amber Globule on the Large Illusionary Guardians and unleash strong burst damage while they are taking the increased damage from it. |
5 | Hozen мужской small, small, Sha мужской small, GhostMogu мужской small | The Small Illusionary Sha is in the center and the Small Illusionary Banana-Tosser and Small Illusionary Mystic start on opposite sides. Note that the Sha's Protection Shield will fade just after the Small Illusionary Banshee dies (and everything else should be dead). |
6 | large x2, large x6 | CC really isn't required for any of these waves except for maybe this one - unless you have multiple interrupts at your disposal. Note that disorient effects like Scatter Shot, which would normally cause an enemy to resume casting immediately when it wears off, seem to put the enemy's ability on CD in this case. Also, the Large Illusionary Varmint are packed close enough together for AoE this time. |
7 | large x2, large x3, Hozen мужской large | You'll want to use the Amber Globule on the diagonal line of Large Illusionary Guardians, but the Large Illusionary Banana-Tosser will make this difficult if you do not CC or kill him quickly. There is a lot of damage required for this phase so you may want to have some CDs ready. |
8 | large, large x2, GhostMogu мужской large x3 | The theme of this phase is being able to do enough damage (and interrupting heals) in order to deal with the banshees. These are of the Large variety which means they have more health than the Small and last for 15 seconds instead of 10 - note that the second and third Banshees will overlap! This wave can be deceiving because the banshees don't show up until later - if you aren't almost done with the other adds by the time these start coming out you will be in trouble. |
9 | large, Hozen мужской large, large, large x2, GhostMogu мужской large | CC'ing the Large Illusionary Banana-Tosser or killing it quickly will make it easier to use the Amber Globules on the Large Illusionary Slayers and Large Illusionary Guardians. |
10 | Sha мужской large | On wave 5 you faced a Small Illusionary Sha and a few other mobs - this time it is just the Large Illusionary Sha, but he has way more health. This wave has the highest DPS requirement and will likely require several CDs and/or the Berserker buff. Once again you have 40 seconds during which your abilities have little effect, followed by a 20 second burn phase. |
Ткач туманов Сикари присутствует в течение этого испытания.
Базовое танкование (Бронза)
The bronze Basic tank trial consists of five waves, and each wave must be defeated before time expires. There are two types of enemies:
- Small and Large Illusionary Ripper — Level 92 saurok with 3,372,736 and 5,059,104 health respectively. No abilities.
- Small and Large Illusionary Forager — Level 91 virmen with 2,445,192 and 3,667,788 health respectively. Nearly always clumped together.
Базовое танкование (Серебро)
Базовое танкование в категории серебро, состоит из восьми волн и двух новых типов врагов:
- Small and Large Illusionary Flamecaller — Level 92 yaungol with 3,161,940 and 4,637,512 health respectively.
- Small and Large Illusionary Wind-Guard — Level 92 mantid with 5,691,492 and 8,431,840 health respectively.
- 16x16px Wing Blast — Flaps its wings, dealing 10000 Physical damage, knocking enemies back, and reducing their threat.
Базовое танкование (Золото)
Базовое танкование в категории золото, состоит из десяти волн и двух новых типов врагов:
- Hozen мужской Small and Large Illusionary Ambusher — Level 92 hozen with 1,897,164 and 2,845,746 health respectively.
- Small and Large Illusionary Conqueror — Level 93 mogu with 4,797,507 and 7,632,398 health respectively.
- 16x16px Powerful Slam — Deals 195,000 to 205,000 damage and stuns targets in front of you for 4 sec.
- Enrage — Enrages, freeing from and providing immunity to movement imparing and loss of control effects, increasing movement speed by 150%, increasing damage dealt by 200%, and increasing attack speed by 50% for 10 sec.
Стадия | Враги | Дополнительные | Время | Советы |
1 | small, small | None | 40 | Gold starts off more complex, immediately bringing in a Small Illusionary Wind-Guard. Always be ready to taunt after a knockback. |
2 | large, large x2, small x3 | None | 40 | Like Silver Wave 4, Gold Wave 2 combines a Flamecaller with Small Illusionary Forager. Simply burn them down without burning yourself and this wave proves no challenge. |
3 | small x2 | Hozen мужской small At 35 sec. Hozen мужской small At 25 sec. |
40 | Notes: Wave 3 Gold considerably ramps up the difficulty from Bronze and Silver, by separately bringing in two Small Illusionary Ambushers mid-wave. Be prepared to quickly pull them away from Sikari the Mistweaver. |
4 | large, small | Hozen мужской small At 45 sec. Hozen мужской large At 35 sec. |
50 | Wave 4 adds complexity onto the multiple mid-wave Large Illusionary Ambusher spawns of the previous wave by starting with a Wind-Guard. Always be prepared to taunt, and don't be shy with CC or cooldowns when tanking multiple ambushers. |
5 | large | small At 35 sec. Hozen мужской small At 30 sec. |
50 | This wave is a step down in difficulty. Be prepared to pick up the Small Illusionary Wind-Guard and Small Illusionary Ambusher and don't let yourself get knocked back into a bad place. Use the lava correctly and this is no trouble. |
6 | small, large x2 | None | 60 | Wave 6 introduces the Conqueror. Handle the Powerful Slam and Enrage correctly and it should be easy enough. |
7 | small, small | Hozen мужской large At 35 sec. |
1:05 | Much like wave 4 built upon the introduction of Ambushers by adding a Wind-Guard, Wave 7 builds upon the Conqueror by adding both a Small Illusionary Wind-Guard and an Large Illusionary Ambusher. Don't be afraid to use defensive cooldowns if the Conqueror Enrages while you are tanking it and the Large Illusionary Ambusher. Alternately, single target CC (Bash, Hammer of Justice) on the Large Illusionary Ambusher can work wonders. |
8 | large, small | Hozen мужской large At 55 sec. Hozen мужской small At 40 sec. |
1:20 | Use the Small Illusionary Flamecaller to burn down the Large Illusionary Conqueror, and use crowd control or cooldowns to survive the damage of aLarge Illusionary Conqueror and two Large Illusionary Ambushers. |
9 | large | Hozen мужской small At 1:40 large, small At 1:30 Hozen мужской small At 60 sec. Hozen мужской large At 55 sec. |
1:50 | Use lava to quickly burn down the Small Illusionary Flamecaller and the first two mid-wave spawns, and you should be doing well by the time the third and fourth mid-wave spawns come out. Use a defensive cooldown if you wind up tanking an Enraging Large Illusionary Conqueror and two Small Illusionary Ambushers. |
10 | small | large x2, small At 1:45 Hozen мужской small At 1:35 Hozen мужской large x2 At 60 sec. |
2:00 | Using lava to burn the Large Illusionary Conquerors and Large Illusionary Ambusher is key to this wave. You will have Large Illusionary Conquerors alive when the Ambusher pair spawns, so use any remaining defensive cooldowns to survive Enrage at that point. |
Базовое танкование (Бесконечный режим)
Бесконечный режим в испытании базового танкования позволит вам проверить свои навыки. У вас есть одна минута, чтобы победить каждую из волн и пятнадцати секундный перерыв, после десятой волны и повторов.
Стадия | Враги | Дополнительные | Советы |
1 | large, large | None | Endless starts off simple and easy. |
2 | large x4, small x4 | Hozen мужской small At 45 sec. Hozen мужской small At 30 sec. |
With ten total mobs, this is the biggest wave you will face in all of Proving Grounds. None of the mobs hit particularly hard on their own, but the combination of eight Foragers stacking Chomp and two Small Illusionary Ambushers can be dangerous. CC is valuable on this wave. |
3 | small x2, large x2 | None | A Large Illusionary Flamecaller and Large Illusionary Ripper spawn on opposing sides of the room in front of Sikari the Mistweaver. The Large Illusionary Rippers quickly make a beeline toward Sikari the Mistweaver, and picking them up should be no trouble. Bringing the Large Illusionary Flamecaller s together requires interrupts and crowd control, and is a more difficult task depending upon which class you are playing. As long as the Large Illusionary Flamecaller s are not allowed to freely cast into Sikari the Mistweaver, all will be well and the lava will make quick work of the Large Illusionary Rippers. |
4 | small, large | Hozen мужской large At 40 sec. |
This is a dangerous combination of mechanics, but as it is only a three-mob wave, this is very manageable. Be prepared for the Large Illusionary Wind-Guard's knockback, be ready to move out of the Small Illusionary Conqueror's Powerful Slam, and pick up the Large Illusionary Ambusher as it spawns. You can also let one of the Small Illusionary Flamecaller freecast into Sikari, to cut down on the amount of damage done to you. The biggest danger is that one of the mobs may survive into the following wave. |
5 | small, small x2 | Hozen мужской small At 45 sec. Hozen мужской small At 30 sec. Hozen мужской small At 15 sec. |
Use the lava to burn down the Small Illusionary Ripper, Small Illusionary Ambushers and any remaining mobs from last wave and the third Ambusher should be the only mob alive when it spawns. A solo Small Illusionary Ambusher is no danger. Whenever picking up Small Illusionary Ambushers while Lava Pool are active, position yourself so that when you taunt they will run through Lava Pool on their way to you. This should painlessly (for you) get them doused in lava without having to get close to it yourself. |
6 | large x3 | None | This wave is incredibly beefy. Sikari the Mistweaver will only be dealing single-target damage, and this trio will often chain knockbacks to launch you well across the room and get some free dps time into Sikari the Mistweaver. Good use of the barricades and ranged threat will keep them off of her and on you. Chances are high that two of the three Large Illusionary Wind-Guard will be alive going into the following wave, and this is the most dangerous aspect of this wave if you handle knockbacks correctly. |
7 | small, small x4 | None | The only significant danger in this wave is the Small Illusionary Conqueror's Powerful Slam and the sheer number of mobs you will likely be facing. Bring as much CC and damage as you can to whittle their numbers down quickly, and you will fare well. Due to Sikari the Mistweaver's lackluster single-target dps, you may wind up with a Small Illusionary Conqueror or even a Wind-Guard alive going into the next wave, but that shouldn't be a threat. |
8 | large x3 | Hozen мужской large At 50 sec. Hozen мужской small At 40 sec. Hozen мужской large At 30 sec. Hozen мужской large At 20 sec. |
Use Lava Pool to make quick work of the first three Small Illusionary Ambushers and this wave won't prove threatening. If you fail to burn them down quickly, prepare to use CC or defensive cooldowns because they will hit hard. |
9 | small x2, large x2, small | Hozen мужской small At 40 sec. Hozen мужской small At 20 sec. |
This wave deals a lot of damage, and the Small Illusionary Wind-Guard' knockbacks coincide with the Ambusher's spawns. Be ready to be knocked back right as you need to pick up Small Illusionary Ambushers. Quickly peel both the newly-spawned Small Illusionary Ambusher and the pair of Small Illusionary Wind-Guard off of Sikari the Mistweaver immediately. As always, CC and defensive cooldowns are tremendously valuable in handling the damage from the multitude of adds in this wave. |
10 | large, large | Hozen мужской large At 35 sec. |
Use the Large Illusionary Flamecaller's lava to burn down the Large Illusionary Conqueror and Large Illusionary Ambusher once it spawns, dodge the Powerful Slams and use cooldowns when the Large Illusionary Conqueror casts Enrage and you should be able to handle this simple wave. |
Чародейка Каван, Убийца Ки, Защитник Ото, Сули Выживающий и Торопыга присутствуют во время этого испытания.
Базовое лечение (Бронза)
The bronze Basic healer trial consists of five waves, and each wave must be defeated before time expires. There are two types of enemies:
- Small and Large Illusionary Ripper — Level 92 saurok with 3,372,736 and 5,059,104 health respectively. No abilities.
- Small and Large Illusionary Hive-Singer — Level 92 mantid with 4,637,512 and 6,745,472 health respectively.
Базовое лечение (Серебро)
Базовое лечение в категории серебро, состоит из восьми волн и двух новых типов врагов:
- Small and Large Illusionary Flamecaller — Level 92 yaungol with 3,161,940 and 4,637,512 health respectively.
- 16x16px Invoke Lava — Summons globs of lava around the caster. The lava will burn friendly and enemy units standing on it every 1 sec for 32375 to 37625 Fire damage plus an additional 12500 Fire damage over 5 sec, and increase all damage taken by 2%. Stacks up to 20 times.
- Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy. (Small Illusionary Flamecaller Only)
- Pyroblast — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy. (Large Illusionary Flamecaller Only)
- Small and Large Illusionary Aqualyte — Level 92 jinyu with 4,215,920 and 6,323,880 health respectively.
Базовое лечение (Золото)
Базовое лечение в категории золото, состоит из десяти волн и двух новых типов врагов:
- Small and Large Illusionary Tunneler — Level 91 virmen with 2,648,958 and 4,075,320 health respectively.
- Small and Large Illusionary Conqueror — Level 93 mogu with 4,797,507 and 7,632,398 health respectively.
Базовое лечение (Бесконечный режим)
Бесконечный режим в испытании базового лечения позволит вам проверить свои навыки. У вас есть одна минута, чтобы победить каждую из волн и пятнадцати секундный перерыв, после десятой волны и повторов.
- Испытать себя: боец, бронза
- Испытать себя: боец, серебро
- Испытать себя: боец, золото
- Испытать себя: боец, бесконечный режим (10 волн)
- Испытать себя: боец, бесконечный режим (20 волн)
- Испытать себя: боец, бесконечный режим (30 волн)
- Испытать себя: танк, бронза
- Испытать себя: танк, серебро
- Испытать себя: танк, золото
- Испытать себя: танк, бесконечный режим (10 волн)
- Испытать себя: танк, бесконечный режим (20 волн)
- Испытать себя: танк, бесконечный режим (30 волн)
- Испытать себя: лекарь, бронза
- Испытать себя: лекарь, серебро
- Испытать себя: лекарь, золото
- Испытать себя: лекарь, бесконечный режим (10 волн)
- Испытать себя: лекарь, бесконечный режим (20 волн)
- Испытать себя: лекарь, бесконечный режим (30 волн)
Исправления в обновлениях
Обновление 5.4.0 (11-09-2013):
- Арена Испытаний это новая возможность для игроков, чтобы проверить и улучшить свои боевые навыки.
- At the Proving Grounds, players may undertake trials, designed for Damage, Tank, or Healer roles.
- It provides a great opportunity to learn how to Tank or Heal, without the need of a group.
- Each trial is available in four separate difficulties: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Endless. Harder difficulties include more difficult and varied enemies.
- Endless mode allows you to test your mettle against increasingly difficult enemies. Compare your best scores to friends and guildmates!